

Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology Section Newsletter

September 2019

Dear Colleagues:


Here is the September issue of the AGU Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology (VGP) section newsletter. Please visit the VGP website ( for additional news and information. Comments and suggestions may be sent Joanna S. Denton at

In this issue:

  1. Message from the President
  2. OSPA Committee Updates
  3. JpGU–AGU Meeting Advertisement and Call for Session Proposals


If you would like to advertise open faculty positions, postdoc and graduate student

opportunities, and workshops and conferences in the next newsletter, please

submit descriptions to Joanna Denton by 1 November 2019.

Dear Volcano Scientists, Geochemists, and Petrologists:


I would like to begin by congratulating VGP members who received awards and honors from AGU this year. I also thank all the associated committee members for their efforts in reviewing nominations.


The Kuno Award will be presented to:

Marion Garçon, ETH Zurich; and

Daniel Stolper, University of California, Berkeley


The Bowen Award will be presented to:

D. Graham Pearson, University of Alberta; and

Mary R. Reid, Northern Arizona University

Both Bowen awardees will be giving lectures at Fall Meeting 2019.


The Daly Lecture will be given by

Marie Edmonds, Cambridge University.


The Hess Medal will be presented to

Richard J. Walker, University of Maryland, College Park.


There are six new Fellows affiliated with VGP:

James Farquhar, University of Maryland, College Park

Yaoling Niu, Durham University Graham Pearson, University of Alberta Peter Reiners, University of Arizona

Alexander Sobolev, Institut des Sciences de la Terre, Université Grenoble Alpes

Michael Walter, Carnegie Institution for Science  


The reception will be held Tuesday, 10 December, 6:30–8:00 p.m. in the Marriott Marquis, Golden Gate - A B2.

There will be an additional early-career event on Monday, with details to follow.


So many deserving individuals were nominated for Section and Union awards and honors. It is unfortunate that it is not possible to recognize everyone. However, please do continue to submit nominations. People cannot be selected if they are not nominated!


Registration for Fall Meeting is now open, with the early-bird (less expensive) registration closing 7 November. This should be yet another stimulating and enriching meeting. There were 1,092 abstracts submitted to VGP sessions, a 42% increase over last year’s VGP abstract submissions (771). Your VGP secretaries have been hard at work organizing the session proposals, merging sessions, and scheduling all of these to ensure it will be an exciting and fulfilling Fall Meeting. They appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm and support in facilitating this process. There is, in addition, a full day of special programming on Monday, 9 December, as part of the Centennial celebrations.


The VGP reception will be held Tuesday evening, 10 December. Awards will be presented before either the Daly or Bowen Lectures. There will be a VGP student breakfast, sponsored by Nu Instruments Ltd., before the Centennial presentations dedicated to Earth’s interior on Monday, 9 December. VGP students will need to sign up for a ticket when they register.


Attending meetings is expensive. VGP and AGU are committed to helping students attend the meeting with travel grants. To this end, Development Board member Jamie Austin has promised to match gifts to the Austin Endowment for Student Travel, gifts that also count toward VGP contributions. This past year, VGP received a bonus of $1,000 from AGU because more than 5% of VGP members (170, to be precise) donated more than $50.


Last, the objective of these newsletters is to share opportunities and information we think VGP members of AGU should hear about. This includes meetings, employment opportunities, and career development. Please feel encouraged to connect with our AGU membership by sending me and newsletter editor Joanna Denton anything you think belongs in our quarterly newsletters.


Your VGP Executive Committee for 2019:

If you have questions, concerns, or ideas, please reach out.


Michael Manga


University of California, Berkeley

Dominique Weis

President-elect and Meetings Chair

University of British Columbia

Bill McDonough

Past President and Nominations Chair

University of Maryland and Tohoku University

Christy Till

Fall Meeting Chair 2020 (VP) and Secretary

Arizona State University

Matt Jackson

Fall Meeting Chair 2019 (G) and Secretary

University of Calfornia, Santa Cruz

Marie Edmonds

Fall Meeting Chair 2018 (VP)

University of Cambridge

Marie Edmonds

Past Secretary (VP)

University of Cambridge

Anat Shahar

Past Secretary (G)

Geophysical Laboratory, CIW

Matt Barickman

Student Representative

Washington University

Kara Brugman

Student Representative

Arizona State University

Erik Klemetti

Education and Outreach Chair

Denison University

Tyrone Rooney

Student Awards Chair

Michigan State University

Bob Stern

Fellows Chair

University of Texas, Dallas

Mark Kurz

Acting Union Awards Chair

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Nicolas Dauphas

Macelwane Medal Chair

University of Chicago

Dante Canil 

Bowen Award Chair

University of Victoria

Mark Jellinek 

Kuno Award Chair

University of British Columbia

Joanna Denton

VGP Newsletter Editor

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Janine Krippner

VGP Webmaster

Concord University


Michael Manga, President, VGP Section, AGU

2. Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) Committee Updates

The VGP Student Awards Committee continues to prepare for Fall Meeting and has been busy evaluating Student Travel Grant applications. We warmly thank Brian Jicha, who will be cycling off the committee. Brian has graciously devoted his time at AGU meetings over the years to ensure that VGP student judging is the most rigorous and as fair as we can make it. I speak for the whole committee in saying that we very much appreciate his contributions. We also welcome Megan Holycross (Smithsonian Institution and Cornell University) to the committee. The new and continuing OSPA Committee members will act as coordinators during Fall Meeting, and if you are an OSPA session liaison, you will be hearing from one of us in the coming months. Last, we hope you will consider signing up as a judge when the student presentation judging website opens later in the year.

Tyrone Rooney,
Chair, OSPA Committee, VGP Section

3. JpGU–AGU Meeting Advertisement and Call for Session Proposals

On 24–28 May 2020, the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) and AGU will host the joint JpGU–AGU meeting in Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan ( This joint meeting highlights the thirtieth anniversary of JpGU and follows on from AGU’s Centennial celebration. The overall meeting costs (e.g., registration, hotel, airfare) make it competitive with other meetings (SF-AGU, EGU, Goldschmidt, etc.).


The call for session proposals is now open, with submissions accepted from 2 September to 11 October. We are emphasizing early-career and women scientists to take leadership roles as session conveners. JpGU does not prohibit conveners from making presentations in their own sessions, and neither does it stop conveners from self-designating as invited talks. Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary sessions are strongly encouraged.


Bill McDonough
Past President, VGP Section, AGU

Early-career Geologists Needed for Survey
