Selection process
Any AGU member can nominate one or more candidates. The nomination will include a nominating letter, a curriculum vitae, and up to 3 letters of recommendation that address the nominees accomplishments. The nomination and supporting letters should describe the high quality of the nominee’s research accomplishments. In addition, the nomination may include copies of in-press manuscripts that illustrate the candidate’s quality of work. Nominations should be submitted (online, by fax, or by mail) to the Chair of the Award Committee by 1 May of the award year. A call for nominations will appear in Eos and on the AGU VGP Section Website.
The VGP Section will constitute a committee to consider nominations. The selection committee will recommend the nominees to whom it considers awards should be made. It will submit a letter for review and approval by the VGP Section Executive Committee that describes the selection process. This letter will detail the total number of candidates considered, the number of holdover candidates, the number of new candidates, and the number of nominations that resulted from the general call versus the number actively solicited by the committee.