The Executive Committee of the VGP Section proposes the Hisashi Kuno Award to recognize the scientific accomplishments of junior scientists who make outstanding contributions to the fields of volcanology geochemistry and petrology. The intent is to award and highlight excellence in research performed during and in the seven years after the Ph.D.
Currently the VGP section has one sectional award, the Bowen Award which was established in 1980 and is intended principally for mid-career researchers. In the intervening period the section, along with all AGU sections, has grown substantially to now number close to 4000. A large proportion of this membership resides in academic institutions where major awards are important for promoting both our science and our colleagues. Furthermore, the Executive Committee believes that the size of the section, when compared to those of sister societies, means that this new award will be highly-prized. For comparison, the Mineralogical Society of America is about 60% of the size of the VGP section and has 3 major Awards, Junior (MSA Award), Mid-Career (Dana Medal) and Senior (Roebling Medal).