AGU Precipitation Student Award

Every year the AGU Precipitation Technical Committee selects students presenting precipitation related work at the AGU Fall Meeting (oral, poster or e-lightning presentations) for the AGU Precipitation Student Award. If you are a student and you are planning to present at the AGU Fall Meeting consider this opportunity.

The application for the "AGU Precipitation Student Award" is now open!

Submit your application HERE

Nomination Form: Precipitation Technical Committee invites application from the students presenting at the AGU 2024 Fall Meeting. 
  • Students who submitted an abstract about research on precipitation to AGU Fall Meeting 2024 as a lead author are eligible to apply for the award. 
  • Students must submit a graphical abstract of the work submitted to AGU along with the application form in order to be considered for the awards. 
  • AGU presentations of the selected Graphical Abstracts will be evaluated by judges during the AGU Fall meeting and top five presentations will be awarded.
  • Application and graphical abstract - November 15, 2024
  • Graphical abstract selection announcement - November 30, 2024
  • Winner announcement - 28 December, 2024
  • The nominee must be student and lead author
  • The presentation must be related to 'Precipitation'
  • The abstracts should be submitted to AGU sessions that highlight "precipitation". 
  • The graphical abstract and presentation evaluation is based on novelty, content, scientific relevance, graphics and overall presentation.
  • The awards are evaluated by scientists working in precipitation science and is an excellent opportunity to network. 
  • This award is organized by AGU Precipitation Technical Committee; AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Awards (OSPA) requires different application. 
5 top awardees will receive
- Cash Prize 
- Invitation to speak in our quarterly seminar series

List of previous years award recipients:

2023 AGU Precipitation TC Student Award:

  • Xinyue Liu - National University of Singapore

Title: "A Knowledge-Informed Deep Generative Framework for Risk Assessment of Spatially Compound Extremes."

  • Will Turner - University of California Santa Barbara
Title: "From Start to Finish—NMME Experimental Subseasonal Precipitation Forecasts (SubX) provide enhanced early-season certainty of end-of-season WRSI forecasts over Sub-Saharan Africa."

  • Florian Morvais - Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Title: "Comparison of Thunderstorms’ Microphysics between the Amazon and Central Africa."

  • Kenza Tazi - University of Cambridge
Title: "Extreme precipitation over High Mountain Asia: assessing likelihoods under different climate scenarios using Bayesian Committee Machines."

  • Omid Zandi - University of Arizona
Title: "Developing a Novel Long-Term ML-based Precipitation Product from AVHRR in High Latitudes Using Various Observational Datasets and Auxiliary Variables from Reanalysis."

2022 AGU Precipitation TC Student Award:

  • Benjamin Goffin - University of Virginia
Title: "Changes in Extreme Precipitation Patterns in the Meuse River Basin as a Driver of the July 2021 Flooding"

  • Julia Shates - University of Wisconsin
Title: "Multi-year Analysis of Rain-Snow Levels at Marquette, Michigan"

  • Manish Kumar Dhasmana - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Title: "Evaluation of CMIP6 Models for Extreme Precipitation over India"

  • Mochi Liao - Duke University
Title: "Physics-Guided AI Framework to Predict and Correct Radar QPE Errors"

  • Seung Uk Kim - University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Title: "Contribution of Wet Soil Moisture Conditions during Extreme Pluvial Flood Events in the Midwestern United States."

2021 AGU Precipitation TC Student Award:

  • Keyhan Gavahi - The University of Alabama

Title: "A multi-dimensional pattern recognition approach using deep learning for precipitation data fusion"

  • Carolyn Lober - Brown University

Title: "Evaluating and Bias Correcting Daily Satellite Precipitation over the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada"

  • Victoria McDonald - University of Washington

Title: "An exploration of kinematic wind fields derived from Doppler velocity retrievals from airborne conically scanning radar observations of snowbands during IMPACTS 2020"

  • Alyssa Stansfield - Stony Brook University

Title: "Thermodynamic and Dynamic Contributions to Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Increases in Observations and Models"

  • Alka Tiwari - Pordue University

Title: "Characterizing the tropical cyclone rainfall using satellite, radar-blended and gauge-based precipitation products for hydrological studies"

2020 AGU Precipitation TC Student Award:

  • Randy Chase - University of Illinois

Title: "Global retrieved snowfall properties using a neural network and GPM-DPR"

  • Stefano Farris - University of Cagliari

Title: "Investigating trend detection capabilities on worldwide extreme rainfall occurrences"

  • Vesta Afzali Gorooh - University of California Irvine

Title: Data "Integration for Satellite Precipitation Estimation Using Deep Neural Networks"

  • Clara Hohmann - University of Graz

Title: "Sensitivity analysis of stream and river runoff to spatial rainfall variability using dense rain gauge observations"

  • Ruben Imhoff - Wageningen University

Title: "Opportunistic Rainfall Nowcasting with Commercial Microwave Link Data"