Influential Hydrologists

Influential Hydrologists

The scope of the Influential Hydrologists Project (IHP) is to preserve the legacy of eminent hydrologists who have shaped the field of hydrologic sciences and education over the past decades by creating a comprehensive, easily accessible repository of their scientific contributions. IHP was initiated in 2016 and is a living project, which invites the community to contribute material, additions, and/or corrections toward building a complete library to be enjoyed by the younger generation as well as by the older one.

  1. Robert E. Horton (1875–1945)
  2. Ven Te Chow (1919–1981)
  3. Walter B. Langbein (1907–1982)
  4. Luna B. Leopold (1915–2006)
  5. Leo Roy Beard (1917–2009)
  6. James C. I. Dooge (1922–2010)
  7. Paul A. Witherspoon (1919–2012)
  8. J. E. (Eamonn) Nash (1927–2000)
  9. Shirley J. Dreiss (1949–1993)
  10. James R. Wallis (1928–2016)
  11. Peter S. Eagleson (1928–2021)
  12. David Dawdy (1926–2020)
  13. Jim Shuttleworth (1945–2020)
  14. Eric F. Wood (1947–2021)
  15. Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe (1942–2022)


History of Hydrology Wiki created by Professor Keith Beven

To learn more about the motivation for Professor Beven to create the History of Hydrology Wiki read this interview blog post written by Florian Pappenberger for the HEPEX Blog.