

Section Awards and Lectures

See the new and simplified nomination guidelines for Hydrology Section Awards here!

Future Awards

For the latest news and for suggestions and comments about future awards and honors, see here!

Union Honors*

*Hydrology Affiliated Recipients of Union Honors

Section Resources 


The Fellows Nominating Committee

The Committee shall consist of the President-Elect of the Section (Chair) and six members with terms of three years. All are to be appointed by the President of the Section, with the approval of the Executive Subcommittee. Preference shall be given to current Fellows.

The Fellows Nominating Committee is to select annually the permissible number of AGU members who, among other criteria specified by the Union, “for acknowledged eminence in some branch of geophysics,” shall be the nominees of the Section to the AGU Committee on Fellows. The names of these nominees shall be kept confidential.

The Chair of the Committee shall schedule and coordinate the business of the Committee with the Chair of the AGU Committee on Fellows so as not to impede the business of the Union Committee.


    Committee Members


Nominations Canvassing Committee

Section canvassing committees play a vital role at AGU in helping to grow the Honors program, increase the diversity of nominees, and bring awareness to underrepresented honors.

Section canvassing committee activities include

  • 3-5 engaged members from diverse backgrounds
  • Review Section member lists and demographic reports to find viable nominees for AGU honors
  • Identify both potential nominees and nominators to craft nomination packets
  • Provide support to nominators on crafting nomination packets
  • Participate in periodic calls during the nominations cycle to share ideas and feedback


    Committee Members