

AGU Hydrology Section Standing, Technical & Advisory Committees

The Hydrology section has a very active group of technical and standing committees, which is where much of the planning for section activities takes place. The wide range of activities offered by the section is due in large part to the work of the many dedicated committee chairs and members. Technical committees initiate most of the section’s special sessions at AGU meetings. For information on the work of a committee, how to make suggestions for special sessions, or how to join a committee, contact the committee chair.

Executive Committee

John Selker

President: John Selker

Oregon State University
Crop and Soil Science Department
Corvalis, OR 97331
Email | Phone: +1 541 737 6304

Venkataraman LakshmiPresident-Elect: Venkataraman Lakshmi

University of Virginia
Department of Engineering Systems and Environment
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Email | Phone: +1 434 982 2052

Ana Barros

Past-President: Ana Barros

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Urbana, IL 61801-2352

Jennifer Druhan

Secretary: Jennifer Druhan

University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Department of Geology
Urbana, IL 61801

Georgia Destouni

Editor in Chief for Water Resources Research: Georgia Destouni

Stockholm University
Physical Geography

Stockholm, Sweden SE-106 91

Theresa Blume

Section Liason: Theresa Blume

GFZ- German Research Centre for Geosciences
Section of Hydrology
14473 Potsdam, Germany

 Email | Phone: +49 331 288-1512

Jennifer Druhan

Student Representative: Lorrayne Miralha

Oregon State University
Department of Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management
Corvalis, OR 97331
Email | +1 541 8299020

Fall Meeting Program Chair: Viviana Maggioni

George Mason University
Dept. of Civil, Environmental & Infrastructure Engineering
Fairfax, VA 22030 

Web Editor: Sophie Liu

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Urbana, IL 61801 

Technical Committees

Catchment Hydrology (formerly Surface Water)

Genevieve Ali (Chair), University of Guelph
Matthias Sprenger (Deputy Chair), LBNL

Committee Members


Pania Newell (Chair), University of Utah
Bo Guo (Deputy Chair), University of Arizona

Committee Members

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Hydrologic Uncertainty

Lucy Marshall (Chair), University of New South Wales
Julie Mai (Deputy Chair), University of Waterloo

Committee Members

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Remote Sensing

Manuela Girotto (Chair), University of California at Berkeley
Hatim Geli (Deputy Chair), New Mexico State University
Huilin Gao, Texas A&M University

Committee Members

Soil Systems & Critical Zone Processes

Jingyi Huang (Chair), University of Wisconsin-Madison
Rose Abramoff (Deputy Chair), LSCE 
Kathe Todd-Brown (Outgoing Chair), University of Florida

Committee Members

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Water Quality

Heather Golden (Co-Chair), US Environmental Protection Agency
Omar Abdul Aziz (Co-Chair), West Virginia University
Emine Fidan (Deputy Co-Chair), University of Tennessee
Frederick Cheng (Deputy Co-Chair), University of Virginia

Committee Members 

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Cynthia Gerlein-Safdi (Chair), UC Berkeley
Sam Zipper (Deputy Chair), University of Kansas

Committee Members

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Qifei Niu (Chair), Boise State University

Committee Members

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Lisa Milani (Chair), University of Maryland, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Yagmur Derin (Deputy Chair), University of Wisconsin-Madison

Committee Members 

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Unsaturated Zone

Veronica Morales (Chair), University of California – Davis
Lazaro Perez (Deputy Chair)

Committee Members

View Website

    Water & Society

    Marc Muller (Chair), Eawag
    Christine Kirchhoff (Deputy Chair), Penn State

    Committee Members

    View Website

      Standing Committees

      Hydrologic Sciences Award Committee

      (formerly the Horton Award)

      Horton Research Grant Committee

      (for Ph.D. Students)

      Paul A. Witherspoon Lecture Committee 

      Nominations Canvassing Committee

      Fall Meeting Program Committee

        Ad-hoc Student Travel Grant Committee

        Hydrology Section Student Committee

        Danyka Byrnes (Chair, 2023), University of Waterloo 
        Paige Becker (Deputy Chair, 2023), Indiana University Bloomington

        Committee Members

        Hydrologic Sciences Early Career Award Committee

        Hydrology Fellows Committee

        Walter Langbein Lecture Committee

        Outstanding Student Presentation Award Committee

        Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting Committee

        Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity (JEDI)

        Briana Wyatt (Chair), Texas A&M University
        Committee Members

        View Website