Florian Morvais
I studied Physics (License + Master degree) at the University of Reims, France from 2014'ish to 2019'ish. If needed, my two years of Master's degree where focused around "Nanosciences, Optic and Atmosphere" for the 1st, and "Physic, Spectrometry, Engineering and Instrumentation" for the 2nd.
I grew bored of Physics (I wasn't that good at it + I'm not really good at maths) so I did a 6-month internship at the Laboratoire d'Aerologie in Toulouse, France with the subject "Study of lightning thanks to spatial instrument GLM and ground network LMA, from lightning to thunderstorm scale" with Dr. Defer Eric. Where I basically learnt about atmospheric sciences & lightning, dealing with large data, collocation, all that cool stuff that I am now doing during my PhD.
For my PhD, I am working with Dr. Liu Chuntao at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi. I'm just starting my 3rd year, I don't have a clear subject yet, but I'm working on lightning, passive-microwaves, radar, and a little bit of AI.
ABSTRACT: Comparison of Thunderstorms' Microphysics between the Amazon and Central Africa
The Amazonian rain forest is known to produce maritime-like convective systems; on the other hand, the Congo Basin is known as a lightning hotspot on Earth. This study uses the Precipitation Features (PFs) datasets based on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Global Precipitation Mission Core Satellites (GPM) to explore the differences in the microphysics properties of ice inferred from passive microwave and radar observations from space over these two regions. Compared to Congo Basin (CB), the Amazon (AM) produces systems principally composed of smaller ice crystals. For instance, for a PF with similar Ice Water Content (IWC) and/or area of 30 dBZ at -10ºC (Acharge), PFs over the Amazon produce down to half as many lightning flashes compared to PFs in the Congo Basin. A PF with similar maximum 30/40 dBZ echo top heights tends to have lower Brightness Temperatures (TBs) in the 85/89, 165, and 183 GHz frequencies over the Amazon than over the Congo Basin. This suggests that PFs over the Amazon tends to be built around smaller ice particles than those over Congo Basin. At 37 GHz, the Congo Basin tends to have colder brightness temperature than the Amazon, likely due to large hail particles. Using PFs over the Amazon as a reference, a global TBs comparison shows that the median TB value for AM PFs is significantly higher than it is in most oceanic areas but is comparable to areas correlated with higher oceanic lightning activity (e.g., around the South Pacific Convergence Zone). It brings back the idea that although AM PFs during the wet season are similar to maritime clouds, some properties relative to land systems remain.