The Hydrology Section does not currently recognize excellence in education distinct from other contributions. The Task Force has recommended a new award, the
Hydrologic Sciences Educational Excellence Award, to correct this oversight. Here education is
interpreted broadly to encompass all inter-disciplinary aspects of the hydrologic cycle and all learners, whether in formal educational settings, professional training, or public outreach. Recognized educational innovations and impacts may be associated with all aspects of pedagogy, such as advances in curricular content and curricular innovation; development of novel and/or influential educational content; innovation in delivery mechanisms such as podcasts, social media, videos, documentaries etc.; facilitation for adaption by the broader educational community including K-12; considerations of diversity and inclusion in the classroom and beyond; integration of research outcomes into the classroom; and student and professional mentoring. An awardee would reflect excellence in one or several of these aspects.
The Hydrology Section Executive Committee considered and accepted these three recommendations. They have formally forwarded the proposals to the Union Honors and Recognition Committee for their consideration. It's possible, but not likely, that we will hear back from that committee by the time of the Fall Meeting, but not later than spring of 2022.
The Task Force seeks additional nominations for names to associate with the new Hydrologic Sciences Educational Excellence Award, the existing Hydrologic Sciences Early Career Award
, and possible additional awards or lectures that the Task Force may recommend. Two-page naming nominations should use the template
here (maximum 2-pages) and be submitted via email
to with a copy to Each naming nomination need only be endorsed by one person. AGU policy regarding named awards can be found at (click on “Naming Policy”). We draw your attention to the fact that only deceased former colleagues can be considered for this kind of honor. Nevertheless, those nominations that are less than three years after the death of the nominee will be fully considered by the Task Force, while recognizing that the award naming would likely become official no earlier than three years after the nominee had died.
Finally, the Task Force seeks general suggestions and comments, particularly ideas for new awards or lectures. These, as well as questions about the naming of awards, should be directed to or to one of the Task Force members (see list in first paragraph).