Unsaturated Zone

About the Technical Committee

The unsaturated (or vadose) zone is critical in the partitioning of incident precipitation into run-off, storage, recharge, or evaporation. It is also the zone mainly impacting agricultural operations. The Unsaturated Zone Technical Committee works towards synergizing research activities on the various topics related to the unsaturated zone, and to highlight key issues, solutions, results, and researchers.

The unsaturated zone (UZ) community has been focused on the fundamental processes that govern flow and transport processes in the vadose zone and their engineering applications. Increasingly, we realize that these processes play a vital role in regulating subsurface biological and geochemical dynamics as well as land-surface processes. Therefore, the community has endeavored to form tighter partnerships with bio-geo-sciences and atmospheric and climate science in addressing contemporary challenges in water, climate, and food. Three critical questions that are of relevance to UZ are: 

  1. How do small-scale processes and heterogeneities in the unsaturated zone influence and regulate fluxes within and across the UZ across multiple spatial and temporal scales?
  2. How do resiliency and thresholds of UZ processes respond to anthropogenic disturbances, and how do they vary across climates, biomes, and geological settings?
  3. How can we harness the full potential of rapid advances in data science as well as communication and measurement technologies in developing predictions and decision support tools that benefit society?

Committee Twitter Feed


Unsaturated Zone Technical Committee Meeting

Date: Wednesday 12/11/2024

Time: 07:00:00-08:00:00 

Location: Marriott Marquis, Tulip

6th Cargese Summer School: FLOWTIME

Watch the recorded sessions to relive the insights - simply click on each title to explore insightful presentations and discussions from leading experts in the field.

AGU24 Conference Sessions Announced!

We’re excited to share the lineup for the upcoming conference! This year’s sessions will cover a variety of engaging topics, led by experts and thought leaders in the field. Attendees will be able to dive deep into key subjects, participate in interactive discussions, and network with peers.

Session Highlights Include:

  • Lazaro Perez – (H33K, H41E) Mixing, Reaction, and Microbial Processes in Subsurface Porous Media.
  • Charlotte Garing – (H41L, H44B) Environmental Vadose Zone Hydrology: Physical and Biogeochemical Processes Across Scales.
  • Kate Smits – (GC51T, GC53L, GC54D)New Technologies and Frameworks to Detect and Analyze Methane Emissions from the Oil and Gas Supply Chain: Methods, Data, and Insights.
  • Yingxue Yu - (H31A, H32A, H33P, H34A, H41H, H42J, H43B, H43C)Advancements in the Fate, Transport, Transformation, and Remediation of Contaminants in the Environment.

We look forward to seeing you there!



J. Jimenez-Martinez (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)  

Sophie Roman (Université d'Orléans, France) 

Maksim Elizarev (Imperial College, London)

Audrey Sawyer (The Ohio State University)

Andrea Schnepf (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)

Ying Fan Reinfelder (Rutgers University)

Philippe Davy (University of Rennes, France)

Rene Therrien (Université Laval, Quebec, Canada)

Sojwal Manoorkar (Ghent University, Belgium)

Peter Bayer (MLU Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)

Qinghua Lei (Uppsala University, Sweden)

Maria Klepikova (University of Rennes, France)

David Litwin (GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Germany)

John Selker (Oregon State University)