
Student Engagement

Seismology Section Basics

Modern seismology has many opportunities for people who enjoying taking an analytical approach to the geosciences, including those interested in geophysics, physics, engineering, applied mathematics, and/or computer science.

Over 4900 AGU members have their primary or secondary affiliation with the Seismology Section. Roughly 23% of these members are students.

The Seismology Section and its volunteers contribute to several types of AGU activities. These include:

  • The AGU Fall Meeting program
  • Honors and awards that recognize achievements in scientific research and service
  • Providing information related to natural hazards and science policy issues
  • AGU publications

Student Executive Committee Members

The student Executive Committee members for the Seismology section are listed on the "Section Officers" page under the "About" tab. 

The role of the Student Executive Committee members for Seismology involves:

  • being a voice for student interests and concerns within the section,
  • helping to organize student events, such as the Fall Meeting student mixer, and
  • participating in other AGU Fall Meeting events such as the student breakfast and a meeting with the section officers.