1. AGU Fall Meeting events
With the AGU Fall Meeting just ahead, we would like to draw your attention to a number of seismology-related meeting events:
Tues. Dec. 16, 4 pm: Presentation of the 2014 Keiiti Aki Young Scientist Award 103-104 Moscone South (session S24A)
The 2014 Aki Award will be presented to Gregory McLaskey just prior to the Gutenberg Lecture. This award recognizes an outstanding young seismologist who is within three years of receiving her/his Ph.D.
Tues. Dec. 16, 4:05 pm: The Gutenberg Lecture 103-104 Moscone South (session S24A)
Susan Beck will present the 2014 Gutenberg Lecture: “New and Evolving Seismic Images of the Central Andes and Subducting Nazca Slab: 20 Years of Portable Seismology Results.”
Tues. Dec. 16, 4 pm: Presentation of the 2014 Paul G. Silver Award for Outstanding Scientific Service 2022-2024 Moscone West (session G24A)
The 2014 Silver Award will be presented to Stephen Hickman before the Bowie Lecture. This award is given jointly by the Seismology, Geodesy and Tectonophysics Sections to a member who has excelled in mentoring of junior colleagues, leadership of community research initiatives, or other forms of unselfish collaboration in research.
Tues. Dec. 16, 6:30-8 pm: Seismology/Tectonophysics Reception InterContinental Hotel, Ballroom A-B (888 Howard St., in between 4th St. and 5th St.)
Join us for conversation with colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere. At ~7 pm we will have brief remarks to recognize the 2014 Fellows from Seismology and Tectonophysics and other section honorees. 2014 Fellows who are affiliated with the Seismology Section are Jean-Philippe Avouac, Susan Beck, Gary Egbert, Jeffrey Freymueller, Shuichi Kodaira, Chris Marone, James Mori, and Anne Sheehan. 2014 Union Medalists and Awardees include Hiroo Kanamori (William Bowie Medal), Thorne Lay (Inge Lehmann Medal), Bryan Isacks (Walter H. Bucher Medal), and Michael Wysession (Ambassador Award).
Thurs. Dec. 18, 6:30-8:30 pm: Seismology Student Mixer Seismology Section Students: Want to catch up with friends in your field and maybe even make some new ones?
Come join other seismology students at the Irish Bank (10 Mark Lane; http://goo.gl/maps/PqlX6) for some drinks and free food. The first student mixer last year was a big hit – we hope to see everyone again this year! To keep up to date about the mixer and other seismology student activities visit us at www.facebook.com/AGUSeismologyStudents.
2. 2015-2016 Seismology Section Officers
Douglas Wiens was elected 2015-2016 Seismology Section President-elect and Miaki Ishii was elected 2015-2016 Seismology Section Secretary. They will join Greg Beroza (2015-2016 President). Many thanks to Jeanne Hardebeck and Ed Garnero for being part of the excellent slate of candidates!
3. Seismology Section Student Representative
Caroline Eakin has done an outstanding job as the Student Representative for the Seismology Section. Thank you Caroline! Since Caroline is finishing up her Ph.D., we are now looking for a new Ph.D. student in seismology to serve as our Student Representative. This position involves being a voice for student interests and concerns within the section, helping to organize student events, such as the Fall Meeting student mixer, and attending a student breakfast and a meeting with the section officers at the Fall Meeting. If you are a third or fourth year graduate student and would like to take on this job, please send Karen Fischer (Karen_Fischer@brown.edu) a short email describing your interest in the position, as well as your research area and Ph.D. advisor.
Best regards,
Karen Fischer (President)
Richard Allen (Secretary)
Greg Beroza (President-elect)
Peter Shearer (Past President)
Caroline Eakin (Student Representative)
(For more information, visit the Seismology Section Website.)