What is the Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS) program?
The AGU College of Fellows (COF) has developed the Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS) where AGU Fellows will have an opportunity to give live or virtual lectures to the world-wide earth science community. This speaker series will be supported by the AGU COF.
Participating in the DLS is an honor bestowed on AGU Fellows. AGU Fellows represent high-profile ambassadors for AGU and the science we represent.
What is the purpose of the DLS program?
This speaker series will provide students, especially those without access to Earth and space scientists, an opportunity to be inspired by and learn from AGU Fellows. The lectures will provide a high-level synthesis of specific fields and will focus on grand challenges and societal impacts.
Who are the speakers and how are they selected?
The program features AGU Fellows spanning mid- and senior-career levels from several countries. The speakers were nominated by leaders from AGU’s sections, which represents 25 scientific disciplines within AGU. For a full list of speakers and information about their lectures, visit the program webpage.
How do I engage with a speaker?
Community colleges, universities, and other institutions of education are encouraged to request a lecture from one of the speakers, using the request form. Each institution should select up to 2 speaker choices. Selections will be made based on speaker’s availability. Priority will be given to minority-serving institutions and to institutions in countries lacking AGU fellows. Selections will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
How long is the lecture?
Lectures will be approximately 45 minutes long. Speakers are encouraged to include an additional 30-45 minutes in the lecture to engage with students via Q&A. Total engagement 1-1.5 hours.
What is the format of the lecture?
Speakers will participate in a site-specific Zoom session that may include a brief introduction about science topics and strategies for success. This session may include communication with administrators on strategic planning and research investment. Each lecture will end with a broad-based question-and-answer session on the excitement and gratification of doing research in geophysical science. There will also be opportunities for speakers to host meet and greet sessions either before or after the event to more time to connect with students.
Are the lectures live or pre-recorded?
All lectures will be live, not pre-recorded. We ask that the institution provide a Zoom or other virtual platform to host the meeting. If the session is recorded, then, we request permission to house the recording on AGU’s website after the event.
Will the lectures be in person?
There may be opportunities to request in-person lectures. Such requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and subject to the approval of the steering committee.
Are there recordings available for previous engagements?
We hope to have recordings of DLS lectures in the future.
What if I want to suggest a topic for an upcoming lecture?
If you are interested in suggesting a topic, please send an email to College of Fellows DLS committee chair.
Who can I contact for more information?
Feel free to email us at distinguishedlectureseries@agu.org.