Meet the Lecturers

Distinguished Lecture Series: Program Overview 

The current speakers (listed below, by scientific neighborhood) are available for the 2024/2025 academic year, starting in August of 2024. A new slate of speakers will be available for the 2025/2026 academic year.

The Distinguished Lecture Series program connects AGU Fellows with students and scholars from across the globe. The lectures provide a high-level synthesis of specific fields for general science audience and focus on grand challenges and societal impacts. Participating AGU Fellows deliver a live, virtual lecture (~45 minutes). Each lecture ends with a broad-based question-and-answer session on the excitement and gratification of doing research in geophysical science. There will also be opportunities for speakers to host meet and greet sessions either before or after the event to allow more time to connect with students. Speakers are available to present at interested institutions at no charge. 

For more information about the program, and prior to completing a request form, please visit our FAQ page. To request a lecture, please complete a speaker request form.


Beyond Earth



Abstract Title

Atmospheric and Space Electricity (ASE)

Steven Cummer

Lightning: More Than Meets The Eye

Planetary Sciences (PS)

Meenakshi Wadhwa

Exploration of the Solar System via Sample Return Missions

Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA)

Russell A. Howard

I didn’t know our Sun would do that!

Earth Covering



Abstract Title

Atmospheric Sciences (AS)

Claudia Tebaldi

Integrated modeling of the Earth and human systems: progress, challenges, and outlook

Atmospheric Sciences (AS)

Jose D Fuentes

Flowers, Bees and Climate Change

Biogeosciences (B)

Dianne K. Newman

A Fascination with Phenazines and Maintenance Metabolism

Cryosphere (C)

Eric Steig

The past and future of the polar ice sheets

Global Environmental Change (GEC)

Zhanqing Li

Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation (CAR): the CAR Driving Earth’s Energy and Water Cycles and the Earth’s Climate Engine

Hydrology (H)

Bridget Scanlon

Assessing Global Water Resources using Satellites, Modeling, and Monitoring Considering Climate Extremes and Potential Solutions

Hydrology (H)

Hubert H.G. Savenije

The Hydrological System as a Living Organism

Ocean Sciences (OS)

Michael Meredith

Climate change and Planet Earth: a view from the poles

Ocean Sciences (OS)

Rong Zhang

Understanding Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and Associated Overturning Circulation

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (PP)

Aradhna Tripati

1. Frontiers of carbonate clumped isotope geochemistry as an applied tool in paleoceanography and paleoclimatology, within an inclusive science framework

2. Bringing Together Diverse Perspectives on Water and Climate

Earth Interior



Abstract Title

Geodesy (G)

Kristine M. Larson

GPS Can't Do That, Can It?

Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism, and Electromagnetism (GPE)

Alan G. Jones

Mining for Net Zero: The Impossible Task
Mineral and Rock Physics (MRP)

Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte

Why Fracture Geometry is Important

Seismology (S)

Richard C. Aster

Seismic Exploration of Earth’s Oceans, Cryosphere, and Atmosphere

Study of Earth's Deep Interior (SEDI)

Ed Garnero

A modern-day journey to the center of the Earth

Tectonophysics (T)

Timothy A Stern

Seismic images of an active continental margin- top to bottom

Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology (VGP)

Jake Lowenstern

The Challenge of Volcano Monitoring, Eruption Forecasting, and Protecting Vulnerable Populations

Science Nexus



Abstract Title

Education (E)

Kim A. Kastens

Geoscience Education Research: What it is and Why it Matters

GeoHealth (GH)

Kristie L. Ebi

Population health risks and health system responses in a changing climate

Natural Hazard (NH)

Dalia Kirschbaum

Understanding Our Fragile Blue Marble: From Science to Impact

Near-Surface Geophysics (NSG)

Esben Auken

The fantastic world of technology and solutions to image groundwater

Nonlinear Geophysics (NG)

Annick Pouquet

Strong dissipation in turbulence: waves and structures

Science and Society (SS)

Connie Woodhouse

Tree Rings and Colorado River Streamflow: Can the Past Inform the Future?