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Open Near-Surface Data Sets
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Public Domain and Free & Open Source Software (FOSS)
- cmocean - Beautiful colormaps for oceanography.
- fatiando a terra - An open-source Python library for modeling and inversion in geophysics.
- Lemma - Lemma is an electromagnetics modelling API written in C++-14
- Madagascar - An open-source software package for multidimensional data analysis and reproducible computational experiments.
- MARE2DEM - a parallel adaptive finite element code for 2D forward and inverse modeling for electromagnetic geophysics
- MODFLOW - Released by the USGS, considered an international standard for simulating and predicting groundwater conditions and groundwater/surface-water interactions.
- Occam - CSEM and MT modelling and inversion
- OpenGeoSys - Modelling of coupled processes
- PyGIMLi - An open-source multi-method library for solving inverse and forward tasks related to geophysical problems
- SimPEG - An open source python package for simulation and gradient based parameter estimation in geophysical applications
- USGS Earthquake hazards program software downloads
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