Early Career
Welcome to the new Near Surface Section Early Career Website. The goal of this page is to establish an online community and to provide easy access to information most relevant to the needs of early career scientists. To join this group or if you have suggestions for page content, please email one of our NS Early Career Representative, Matt Sirianni or Niels Claes.
A series of articles on starting an academic science career
Here's an interesting series of articles by Jonathan Thon published in "University Affairs" that covers a range of topics such as searching for a job, interviews, negotiations and more.
Eos: Helping Early-Career Researchers Succeed
Here's a great article in Eos about the Early Career resources program organized by members of the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Consortium.
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Over the past 4 years, the working group has strived to build a network among ECIs to generate new collaborations, bring awareness of nonacademic career paths, and create a centralized set of research and educational resources that ECIs can share.
Advice to new faculty, Fall 2015
Check out this AGU blog that compiles advice for new faculty members!
How is excellence measured in early-career scientists?
The difficulty with assessing young scientists is well known. Their short career to date yields a brief publication record, making differences in the numbers of publications between candidates statistically questionable.
Here's an article by Marcia McNutt titled "The measure of research merit."
Attention Early Career Scientists – NSG wants to hear from you!
Have you recently obtained a new position, received an award, or published a paper? Do you have an interesting story from the field or a recent project? If so, we would like to know so that we can share them with the Near Surface community.
Please send the details to our NSG Early Career Representatives Matt Sirianni and Niels Claes.
Useful Articles
“The Awesomest 7-Year Postdoc or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tenure-Track Faculty Life”
This article includes strategies to make the tenure process manageable.
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“Marketing Your Value”
This article includes information about: funding, getting hired, effective communication, marketing yourself, leadership and management, and team building.
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"Taking a Long Term View”
This article contains information that is relevant to all Early Career scientists including mentoring, funding, networking, and having a back-up plan.
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Useful Links