Honor an Educator
The Education Section invites you to recognize outstanding teachers and mentors that have made a difference in your life by donating to the Honor an Educator Campaign. This initiative funds professional development workshops, conference attendance, and other collaborative experiences for educators and students. Your contribution helps our Section increase opportunities to share Earth and space science with the world. Learn more and donate today!
Applications OPEN for New NSF-funded Faculty Travel Grant Program
Please help spread the word about this new NSF-funded faculty travel grant program! This award will support up to 50 early-to-mid career faculty from under-resourced U.S. undergraduate-focused institutions to attend in-person the AGU24 annual meeting in Washington, D.C. In addition to a $1700 travel stipend, the travel grant awardees will participate in professional development workshops, networking and social events, review student presentations through OSPA, and potentially co-chair sessions.
We are especially encouraging of faculty at U.S. undergraduate institutions who are new to AGU! Please share this opportunity with your networks beyond AGU!
The application window is now open! The first review of applications will begin on July 9, 2024.
AGU Fall Meeting Upcoming Deadlines
In mid-June (exact dates pending):
- Session proposal, town hall proposal, and workshop proposal notifications will be sent to conveners & submitters.
- The abstract submission site will open.
- The invited author tool will open for conveners to send invited author notifications.
July 31 at 23:59 ET (03:59 GMT +1):
- Abstract submissions close––no late abstract submissions are accepted. To help avoid delays in responding to issues on the final day of the submission time period, get your abstract in early!
- Conveners, please remember that invited authors also need to submit their abstracts by the deadline. There are no exceptions.
Seeking Volunteers for Bright STaRS
Every year, AGU invites middle and high school students to submit their research to the Bright STaRS program held in conjunction with the annual meeting. Hundreds of students participate. Organizing and supporting this program takes the efforts of multiple people––your assistance is needed! If you have the time and interest in assisting in the organizing and delivery of this inspiring program, please reach out to the Diana Ibarra, program chair, at Dlibarra@isf.edu.hk.
ENGAGE with Eos
Engage your students with Eos! The ENGAGE (Eos News: Geoscience and Global Events) article collection has been designed specifically for educators to seamlessly integrate timely science and science writing in their curriculums. Join Eos and the Education section for a free webinar on Thursday, June 6, 2024 from 6:00 to 7:15 PM EDT via Zoom, where you’ll learn how to access the collection and find articles that are right for your classroom. Please register by June 3, 2024. Learn more here, and register today!
Calling All Graduate Student Applicants (and Graduate Instructors)!
Navigating the graduate admissions process can be daunting––that's why the University of Kansas is offering a virtual workshop to equip applicants with essential knowledge and resources for applying to graduate programs in the geosciences. Participants will review the timeline to applying to graduate school, explore the different kinds of graduate programs, learn how to craft CVs, get tips for writing statements of purpose, and so much more!
This workshop is part of a research project designed to assess whether students experience an increase in self-efficacy surrounding the graduate school application process after attending workshops that inform them of the steps and resources they need to apply. Any student who agrees to participate in the study will receive a $5 Starbucks gift card, regardless of whether they complete the post-workshop surveys. Share this opportunity and register today!
NASA Astrobiology Graphic Novels
If you’re interested in life beyond Earth and graphic novels, NASA has you covered! “Astrobiology: The NASA Graphic History Series” details what astrobiologists do, theories on the origin of life, missions to various celestial objects, and what life beyond our solar system could look like. In the latest issue, “Becoming an Astrobiologist,” explore what to study in school and which opportunities can help you start a scientific career in exploring life beyond Earth. Check it out here!
Calling All Photographers
We would like to feature your photos of Earth and space science on our section website! Submit your original photos with your name and a caption. Photos can be of anything that represents Earth and space science or teaching and learning. If people are in your photo, please be sure to obtain their permission before submitting!
Submit your photos to: https://forms.gle/3Je8cZCqgc9y68Sw5. A big thank you to everyone who has already submitted––take a look at your pictures on our updated home page!
Words of Advice
We know there are many educators with a wealth of lived experiences and advice to share! The Education Section invites you to submit your tips for effective teaching and learning, advice for early career instructors, or quotes that inspire your career. We would like to showcase your words and have prepared space for them on our section website.
Submit your teaching and learning tips, advice, and inspiration to: https://forms.gle/vQ7P9WNSYVPCYxm68. A big thank you to everyone who has already submitted––take a look at your words on our updated home page!
We’ve Got Mail!
The Education Section newsletter accepts member-suggested submissions! Contact us at edsectionnewsletter@gmail.com with timely events, articles, or programs relating to education in the Earth and space sciences. To be considered for inclusion in the monthly newsletter, please send items before 5:00pm EST on the second Monday of the preceding month. We look forward to hearing from you!