AGU Education Section News

Education Section Newsletter | April 2024 Edition

By Sunday Siomades posted 04-01-2024 14:00


Education Section Newsletter | April 2024 Edition



Money Matters


Last Fall, we reported that our Section met the benchmark for an AGU incentive program, which is based on the percentage of members who donated to our Section. Unfortunately, AGU Development made a mistake, and our Section did not meet this benchmark, thus we did not achieve the incentive funding we typically depend on for Section activities. In fact, only one Section out of 25 met this benchmark in 2023. Nevertheless, total donations to AGU overall went up 30%, and the funds raised in our Section went up substantially (56%) because of the generous support of a small number of individuals.  Please see our website for recent fundraising statistics.

We are grateful to all donors at whatever level you can give. Moving forward, we are excited to use the funding base, and new funding raised through the 2024 campaign, to support section activities in ongoing and new ways. In the past, we primarily used donations to support student travel grants and caregiver grants. In 2023 we also used funds to support the first Education Section TownHall at AGU23. We value your input: how do you want us to use Section funds in 2024? Are these the areas that we should prioritize? Or would you like to see an increase in funds applied towards supporting OSPA winners, or more for annual meeting workshops, or other ideas? Please share your thoughts by emailing Kristen St John,

Congratulations to OSPA Awardees


The Education Section is pleased to congratulate the winners of the 2023 Outstanding Student Presentation Awards––Anahi Carrera (Brown University) and Hana Darling-Wolf (University of Toronto). Visit the links below to read their abstracts!


ED43A-03: Underrepresentation of first-generation college students in the geosciences - A diverse group to support in the post-Affirmative Action era


ED54A-04: STEM Identities Across Disciplines: Comparing the Identity Formation of Computer Science and Environment Students

Comment on AGU Position Statements


AGU members have until 30 April to comment on revisions to three AGU position statements addressing climate change, science communication and data, respectively. Position statements are what enable AGU to provide scientific expertise on significant policy issues. Submit your comments to help shape the future of the Earth and space sciences.

Seeking Volunteers for Bright STaRS


Every year, AGU invites middle and high school students to submit their research to the Bright STaRS program held in conjunction with the annual meeting. Hundreds of students participate. Organizing and supporting this program takes the efforts of multiple people––your assistance is needed! If you have the time and interest in assisting in the organizing and delivery of this inspiring program, please reach out to the Diana Ibarra, program chair, at

Global City Nature Challenge 2024


A terrific way to celebrate the change in seasons is to survey what flora and fauna in our communities! Consider participating with your students in the City Nature Challenge. Organized by the Community Science teams at the California Academy of Sciences and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, cities around the world compete in this yearly bioblitz initiative to explore the nature of urban environments. Find your city and join its iNaturalist group! Some key dates after you register include:


April 26–April 29: Taking pictures of wild plants and animals


April 30–May 5: Identifying what was found

Fostering Connections


Read all about it! This essay by Susan Bickerstaff at Columbia University’s Community College Research Center focuses on how disciplinary societies (such as AGU) can build stronger collaborations with community colleges. The Education Section established a 2YC representative position on our section leadership team last summer, filled by Kusali Gamage––we are so glad to have Kusali as part of our Section leadership!

Calling All Session Conveners


It's never too early to start thinking about session proposals for AGU’s annual meeting! The Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology Section share some great tips and resources for convening AGU sessions––explore the links below!


Step by Step Guide - Timeline from proposal to day-of convening


Tips & Tricks Guide - Companion to the Step by Step guide with more detailed advice for convening a successful session in P&P. Includes lots of great pointers for crafting sessions in other disciplines as well!

Total Eclipse of the Sun


Mark your calendars! North America will experience a total solar eclipse on April 8th. Visit the NASA eclipse page for observation tips, safety precautions, FAQs about eclipse details, and scientific background on the phenomenon. Fun fact: the longest duration of totality (where the Moon will completely cover the Sun) will be 4 minutes and 28 seconds, near Torreón, Mexico!

Assessing the Value in Evaluation


2023 Stout Lecture awardee Katherine Ryker co-authors this open-access literature review commenting on the utility of rock and mineral labs in introductory geology courses. The article, published in the Journal of Geoscience Education, evaluates activities from 36 different instructor-generated labs for their ease of implementation and inquiry level.

Calling All Photographers


We would like to feature your photos of Earth and space science on our section website! Submit your original photos with your name and a caption. Photos can be of anything that represents Earth and space science or teaching and learning. If people are in your photo, please be sure to obtain their permission before submitting!

Submit your photos to: A big thank you to everyone who has already submitted––take a look at your pictures on our updated home page!

Words of Advice


We know there are many educators with a wealth of lived experiences and advice to share! The Education Section invites you to submit your tips for effective teaching and learning, advice for early career instructors, or quotes that inspire your career. We would like to showcase your words and have prepared space for them on our section website.

Submit your teaching and learning tips, advice, and inspiration to: A big thank you to everyone who has already submitted––take a look at your words on our updated home page!

We’ve Got Mail!

The Education Section newsletter accepts member-suggested submissions! Contact us at with timely events, articles, or programs relating to education in the Earth and space sciences. To be considered for inclusion in the monthly newsletter, please send items before 5:00pm EST on the second Monday of the preceding month. We look forward to hearing from you!

