May 2024 Newsletter

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Congratulations to Dr. Emily S. Bernhardt on her election to the National Academy of Sciences!

A huge congratulations to AGU Biogeosciences Section President-Elect Emily Bernhardt on being elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)! Election to the NAS is a major recognition of distinguished and continuing achievements in original research and is widely accepted as a mark of excellence in science. Congratulations Emily!!!

Learn more about Dr. Bernhardt here.
The Inaugural AGU Monthly Volunteer Spotlight Goes to….

Biogeosciences section member Maggie Xenopoulos! The AGU Monthly Volunteer Spotlight features and celebrates the extraordinary AGU members who devote their time to AGU’s mission. Maggie currently serves as Canada Research Chair in Global Change of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Department of Biology at Trent University. Maggie has been an AGU member for 10 years and has been the Editor-in-Chief of JGR: Biogeosciences for the past three years where she has promoted inclusivity and accessibility in society publishing. To find out more about the amazing things that Maggie has done for our section and AGU broadly, see the press release from AGU.

Congrats, Maggie!

Thank you everyone for your support!

Colleen Hansel, Section President
Tana Wood, Section Secretary
Emily Bernhardt, Section President-Elect, Fellows Committee Chair
Margaret Torn, Section Past President, Canvassing Committee Chair
Derek Pierson, Section Webmaster
Sophie von Fromm, Junior Web Master
Min Chen, Annual Meeting Program Chair
Jesse Bloom Bateman and Rob Ulrich, Chairs, DEI Committee
Stephanie Pennington and Kalyn Dorheim, Chair, Early Career Committee
Jingyi Huang, Chair, Soils Processes and Critical Zone Technical Committee
Ashley Ballantyne, Chair, Outstanding Student Presentation Award Committee
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