About Us
AGU’s Biogeoscience section encompasses interactions between biological, geological, hydrologic and atmospheric systems that govern diverse functions of the Earth system (and other planetary systems). These functions include cycles of carbon, nutrients, and other elements, feedbacks within the climate system, the origins and impacts of early life, and interactions across physical, biological, and human interfaces.
Research in biogeosciences includes terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems, managed and agricultural systems, extreme environments and their interactions with the atmosphere, ocean, solid Earth, and elemental cycles across the Earth system. Specific topics within the scope of the section include biogeochemistry, biogeophysics, atmosphere-, land-, and ocean-ecosystem interactions, biomineralization, soil processes, life in extreme environments, astrobiology, microbial processes, geomicrobiology, and evolutionary geobiology. Researchers in the section apply a diverse array of tools including numerical models, theoretical models, remote sensing, field measurements, and manipulative experiments.
The Biogeosciences section, due to the inherently interdisciplinary nature of the subjects it represents, also serves as a nexus for other AGU sections including Hydrology, Atmospheric Sciences, Earth and Planetary Surface Processes, Global Environmental Change, Ocean Sciences, and GeoHealth. Thus a key goal of the section is to encourage and foster co-sponsored sessions that will encourage interdisciplinary communication and collaboration.
Promote Biogeoscience research and the diverse community of researchers working at the interface between life science and Earth system science.