Announcements & Events

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Past Events

Critical Zone Network Webinar Series

Leveraging and Expanding Critical Zone Science

April 17th @ 4 PM EST

The CZ Net Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry project invites you to enjoy our online webinar series.
Dr. Kamini Singha, Distinguished Professor at Colorado School of Mines, will speak on "Imaging the Critical Zone: The Role of Geophysics (and You!) in Opening and Answering Key Questions"

2022 Info Sessions For AGU Medals, Honors, and Award Nominations

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DEI Committee Program 

After a well-received webinar in late August, the AGU Biogeosciences Section’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is holding a series of virtual "office hours" to prepare potential nominators and nominees to AGU medals, honors, and awards with the knowledge and skills they need to put together an outstanding packet.

In the first session, LaToya Myles, the Chair of the AGU Honors & Recognition Committee, will present an overview of the AGU Honors program with the goal of answering the question, “Which honor(s) should I target?” Attendees can watch her in-depth overview of the topic at the original seminar here; while she will present a high-level review in the office hour, most of the time will be dedicated to Q&A.

The office hour will be September 23, 2022 from 2–3 pm Eastern Time (12–1 pm Pacific). Please sign up at this link, or email Sam Rabin ( with any questions.

Session Flyer

Seeing Science: Visual Strategies for Dealing with the SciComm Reality that Facts Don't Work (Alone) 


September 20, 1230-1400 ET

We know that visuals are compelling enough to dominate our decision-making, but how do we leverage that for effective, inclusive SciComm? In this interactive workshop, participants will explore cross-disciplinary and multicultural examples, interactive activities, and foundational best practices in graphic design which can help them productively use visuals to communicate science. 

Speaker: Bethann Gerramon Merkle, MFA is an award-winning artist/communicator fascinated with science and sustainability. 

Virtual Webinar

Organized by the DEI Committee

Demystifying the Preparation Process for AGU Honors Nomination Packets

August 29th @ 230-4 PM ET

The AGU Biogeosciences Section’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will hold a virtual webinar to prepare potential nominators and nominees to AGU medals, honors, and awards with the knowledge and skills they need to put together an outstanding packet.

LaToya Myles, the Chair of the AGU Honors & Recognition Committee, will present an overview of the AGU Honors program, after which 2021 Hilker Early Career Award winner Jennifer Glass and AGU Fellow Ariel Anbar and will walk participants through the crafting of a CV, publication list, and letters of recommendation. 

If interested, please email Sam Rabin ( to receive an email with the sign-up link once it's ready.

Safety Series
Event #5 - Public

Tabletop Scenarios: Raise awareness and exchange ideas about real-life situations that may occur in the field.

July 28th @ 2-4 PM EDT

Because we broadly define safety to include physical, emotional and psychological aspects of our lives as scientists, it is important that we consider our response in an equally broad array of possible circumstances. Therefore, we invite you to participate in a series of tabletop “What would you do?” exercises. You will be joined in this activity by others from the AGU-B community to discuss real-life scenarios, raise your situational awareness and assess your level of preparedness. These exercises are intended to start respectful conversations and exchange of ideas among your colleagues. This Zoom-based event is free and open to all.

Safety Series
Event #4 - Public

AmeriFlux resource for planning safe and inclusive fieldwork

June 6th @ 1:30 PM EDT

The AmeriFlux network is developing resources to enhance physical and psychological safety in fieldwork that researchers can adapt to their unique needs. The resource template aims to support fieldwork teams in field safety guidance and planning while also helping to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Join us to learn about this resource and how to customize it for your team's needs. Learn about links between field safety and DEI. We will also discuss real scenarios and share other references and resources.

Interactive Series on Safe & Inclusive Fieldwork

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B-Section Virtual Series

If you do field work or mentor people who do, this series is for you (and them)! 
You spoke and we listened: Fieldwork presents inherent safety hazards (physical, psychological, and emotional); can be unfamiliar or inaccessible; and can result in situations where you or team members are vulnerable to assault, harassment, or hostile environments and encounters. How to prepare yourself, team, or class for these risks? This virtual series will offer you resources and guidance to prepare for safety, respond to issues, and help others. 
Each event will stand alone, so please attend whenever you can. This series is hosted by the AGU Biogeosciences Section, but is open to all! Feel free to share the invite!!

Part 1:  AGU Frontiers in Safe and Inclusive Fieldwork

April 5th, 2022, 4 pm EDT

A conversation with AGU President Susan Lozier and AGU Senior Vice President Billy Williams. Share your questions, concerns, and requests with our panel, and use real-time polling to guide future series content.  
Moderated by B-Section President Margaret Torn.

Part 2:  Program Manager Perspectives on Safety and Safety Planning

April 25th, 2022, 3 pm EDT

Why should all PI’s care about safety planning?
How and why is safety a growing consideration in project management and evaluation? Panel with Program Managers Renee Crain (NSF), Dan Stover (DOE), and Mike Falkowski (NASA).
Moderated by Peter Griffith.


Part 3:  Fieldwork Initiative to Stop Sexualized Trauma

May 19th, 2022, 2-4 pm EDT

Informative training session regarding the prevention, awareness, support and reporting of sexual harassment and trauma in field research settings. Provided in collaboration with The Fieldwork Initiative. Further details about the training are available here (PDF).

B-Section Virtual Mixer (via Zoom)

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Fall Meeting Virtual Event

The Biogeosciences section will host a business meeting and mixer for interaction, online games and small-group conversations. Please join us Monday from 7:30 to 8:30 pm CT on Zoom.

Monday, December 13th, 7:00-8:00 pm CT


B-Section Networking Luncheon

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Fall Meeting Event

Share a buffet lunch and network with your colleagues. Celebrate our awardees and provide ideas for Biogeosciences actions in 2022. If interested, in joining the luncheon, please purchase a ticket before the event, here.

Tuesday, December 14th, 11:30-12:30 pm CT


B-Section Pre-Reception and Town Hall

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Fall Meeting Event

Meet up before the reception, learn what your section has been doing and share your suggestions for future section events and activities (and volunteer). Get your mardi gras beads and section stickers! We will share a video honoring all the section awardees.

In response to recent news about pervasive sexual misconduct at STRI (and other field stations), at 6:30 pm, Billy Williams, AGU Senior Vice President for Ethics, Diversity & Inclusion will facilitate a conversation and share resources and other supportive actions.

Tuesday, December 14th, 6:00 to 6:30 pm CT.
Meet at the Convention Center, room 206-207 (second floor).

[Open to all. No ticket required]


B-Section Reception and Networking Event

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Fall Meeting Event

Attendees will have an opportunity to network with colleagues and section leaders in an informal reception setting. This reception will be outdoors, with all Earth-Covering neighborhood sections. Look for the Biogeosciences Section table--get your mardi gras beads and section stickers!  Please join us Tuesday, Dec. 14 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm at the Convention Center Alluvial Plaza, first floor.

Tuesday, December 14th, 6:30 to 8:00 pm CT

[Ticketed Event]


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee Sponsored Mixer

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DEI Committee Program 

Join us for an evening of networking and games at a NOLA classic! The AGU Biogeosciences DEI committee is making it's debut at this year's Annual Meeting. Connect with our diverse Biogeosciences Section to learn more about upcoming DEI-focused events and how you can become involved!

Tuesday, December 14th, 2021, 8:00-9:30 pm CT


The William S. and Carelyn Y. Reeburgh Lecture: Recognizing Significant Contributions to the Fields of Global Biogeochemistry

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Annual B-Section Lecture Event

The William S. and Carelyn Y. Reeburgh Lecture is presented annually and recognizes a scientist making significant contributions to the fields of global biogeochemistry and marine geochemistry through novel measurements. This year’s awardee is Dr. Edward J. Brook of Oregon State University whose lecture is titled “Progress and Puzzles in the History of Atmospheric Methane”. The lecture will be followed by a tribute to Dr. William Reeburgh who passed away this year. Please join us in celebrating Dr. Brook’s award and the life of Dr. Reeburgh Thursday, December 16 starting at 12:45 pm CST at the Convention Center in La Nouvelle Orleans C.

Thursday, December 16th, 12:45 pm CT


Biogeosciences Jobs Panel:
Non-Academic Careers


June 25, 2021 @ 3-4 PM ET 

Interested in exploring careers outside academia? Our four panelists span a range of career stages and industries from environmental consulting and remediation, to carbon capture, to policy. Join us to hear their perspectives on alternative career paths and how your biogeosciences skills prepare you for jobs in the private sector, government, and NGOs. Bring your questions!


Dr. Cassaundra Rose - Senior Science Analyst & Climate Council Coordinator, Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future, Maine

Dr. Senorpe Hiablie - Research Fellow, Project Drawdown and Research Assistant Professor, Penn State

Dr. Sam Parker - Senior Scientist and Strategic Growth Manager, EHS Support

Dr. Jenny Soong - Carbon Scientist, Granular Inc.

Hosted by Kyle Arndt and Margaret Torn.

Register here!

BGSci Peer Mentoring Network Sign-Up

Sign ups end: 16 Aug 2021

We (the Biogeosciences Early-Career Committee) invite early-career members to participate in the 2021 iteration of our peer-mentoring network.


Who's eligible? Anyone affiliated with the American Geophysical Union's Biogeosciences section who is within 10 years of their highest degree completion. We encourage people from diverse backgrounds to apply. Based on feedback from last year's participants, we will run three parallel cohorts, for members who are:

  1. Students (those currently enrolled in a graduate/postgraduate degree)
  2. 0 – 3 years out from your highest degree (e.g., those navigating the end of their degree and transition into the job market / branching into new postdocs)
  3. 4 – 10 years post-degree (e.g., those building a research group, finding your feet as a mentor, taking on more managerial responsibilities)


What's the point? To support the professional development, and grow the professional network, of early-career members from all backgrounds and stages of their 'early career' journey.


What is 'peer mentoring'? There are unique hurdles encountered at each early career stage: peers from outside our established networks can provide a fresh perspective, as well as a more objective sounding board. This network will match you with one or two people at a similar career stage, with shared scientific interests and ambitions. We want this network to strengthen voices who might otherwise be underrepresented.


What will we actually do? First, participants will attend a 'meet and greet' session on 24 August 2021, where you will rotate through short one-on-one conversations. Your feedback from this session will be used by the organisers to create small 'mentor groups' of 2-4 people (we want everyone matched up with people they actually want to talk to, not just those who ticked similar boxes!). Third, the small groups will meet every month for a ~1 hr 'virtual coffee date'. We will provide some guiding topics to help you get the most out of your chats. Finally, all participants will be invited to meet each other in-person at a Biogeosciences section event at Fall Meeting. 


What's the selection criteria? We can accept a maximum of 30 participants for each of the three networks. If needed we will select participants to maximise the diversity of people, science, and career stages represented. Participants must be willing to commit to participating in the kick-off event on 24 August, subsequent monthly meetings with their group.    


How do I sign up? Current AGU-Biogeosciences early career and student members are invited to fill out the short questionnaire HERE. Sign up closes 16 August 2021 (PST)  

Naomi Wells

Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration

International Soil Carbon Network (ISCN) - Webinar Series

September 8, 2021 @ 3pm ET 

In Webinar 4 we ask how tillage management influences soil carbon storage and net greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. We will hear case studies and global insights from Dr. Humberto Blanco-Canqui (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) and Dr. Stephen Ogle (Colorado State University).

This series is sponsored by the International Soil Carbon Network in partnership with the Midwest, Northeast, and Northwest USDA Climate Hubs and AGU.


Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration

International Soil Carbon Network (ISCN) - Webinar Series

September 29, 2021 @ 3pm ET 

Join Shelby McClelland (U.N. FAO) to hear findings from a new meta-analysis of cover crop impacts on carbon stocks and Alejandro Plastina (Iowa State University) as he discusses economic dimensions of cover cropping.

This series is sponsored by the International Soil Carbon Network in partnership with the Midwest, Northeast, and Northwest USDA Climate Hubs and AGU.


Early Career Peer Mentoring

14 Aug 2020

We invite early-career members to participate in the first iteration of our peer-mentoring program.

Who’s eligible? Anyone affiliated with the American Geophysical Union’s Biogeosciences section who is within 10 years of completion of their highest degree. We are looking for participants from all stages of the ‘early career’ journey, from students to technicians to research group leaders. We encourage people from diverse backgrounds to apply.

What’s the point? To support early-career members from all backgrounds in career development and growing their peer network.

How do I sign up? Current AGU-Biogeosciences early career and student members are invited to fill out the short questionnaire provided HERE.  
Sign up closes 19/08/2020 (PST).

Student Travel Grants for Fall Meeting

14 Aug 2020
Applications for students to attend the 2020 Fall Meeting are due by Aug 25. Up to $1000 is available per student.

For details and to apply click 
HERE. This is a great opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the first virtual Fall Meeting and share their research with the world!

Early Career Registration Grants for Fall Meeting

14 Aug 2020

Early Career Fall Meeting registration awards ($249 for FM attendance) are available for primary affiliates of the Biogeosciences Section within 10 years of their last degree. ALL applications will be considered, whether or not you submitted an abstract. Priority will be given based on the following criteria: First time attendee; financial need; abstract submitted; additional service/volunteer contributions such as committee work, session chair or convener. 

Apply by Sept 1, 2020, by submitting a single pdf attachment with the following info by email to with the subject “AGU Early Career Registration <Name of applicant>”:

  1. Applicant name and contact information (including email address), current affiliation and position
  2. CV (short)
  3. Statement (up to 200 words) describing how attending the conference would advance your career success, volunteer contributions to AGU, and financial need. 
  4. Abstract for the applicant’s Fall Meeting presentation, including the session name