Award Committee
Chair: Sean Schaeffer
Members: Chris Still, Andrew Richardson, Kim Novick, Rebecca Barnes,
Staff Liaison:
- Artesha Moore
- Antonio Covington
AGU’s Honors Program aligns with AGU’s mission, vision, core values and strategic plan.
Committee Charge
The committee is charged with selecting the recipient(s) of the Thomas Hilker Early Career Award for Excellence in Biogeosciences. Committee members will abide by the AGU Conflict of Interest policy, program policies, procedures and guidelines set by the Union. In partnership with the Honors and Recognition Committee and staff, the committee works to ensure that the program is superior in all respects, recognizes all constituents, and fosters a global network of individuals in the Earth and space sciences who epitomize excellence and cooperation in research, education and outreach. The members of the Thomas Hilker Early Career Award Committee will promote excellence and transparency, allowing broad input and recognition beyond disciplinary awards, promoting diversity and commitment to equity so that the honor is sufficiently representative of underrepresented groups.
Timeline & Commitment
Award committee members and chairs serve a two year commitment. The work of this committee is done primarily through the online submission and review system, by telephone conference calls and email.
Below is the 2020 award year work plan timeline:
15 January 2020 |
Nominations Open |
15 April 2020 |
Nominations Close |
1 May - 3 June 2020 |
Committee work: review, deliberations and final recommendations |
15 June 2020 |
SFG President approves committee selection |
Mid to Late July 2020 |
Official announcement of AGU Section Award & Lecture Honorees |