Finding the Right Award
There are many AGU awards and honors with a wide range of eligibility criteria, including the AGU Fellows program, AGU awards, medals, and prizes , and honors specific to the individual AGU sections. More information about the SPA section awards specifically can be found here.
The NTF has developed a Microsoft Excel tool that can be used to help identify appropriate AGU honors for a given nominee, given their career status (years since PhD) and other criteria. To use the tool: (0) download the tool by clicking here. (1) open the Microsoft Excel file, (2) select “Enable Macros”, (3) select “Selection Tool” Tab at the bottom left if not already selected, (4) follow “Step 1” and “Step 2” to generate a provisional list of appropriate awards, (5) view the provisional list of awards by selecting the dropdown menu in “Step 3” and pick an award to see details at the bottom of the page, including a link to the AGU award webpage. The AGU webpage should always be checked to confirm the nominee and nominator eligibility.
Finally, there are a wide variety of awards from other scientific organizations in the US and internationally that are relevant to SPA researchers:
American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics, including the Katherine E. Weimer Award for Women in Plasma Science:
American Astronomical Society, Solar Physics Division
COSPAR Committee on Space Research
European Geosciences Union awards and medals:
European Space Weather Week Medals
IAGA awards
International Astronomical Union PhD prize
National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Arctowski Medal
Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics