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EPSP Graduate Student Peer Mentoring Program

  • 1.  EPSP Graduate Student Peer Mentoring Program

    Posted 08-02-2023 11:34

    Dear graduate students,

    Are you a new student just embarking on your advanced degree? Or are you nearing graduation with valuable insights to pass on and looking for some mentorship experience? There's a place for you in the EPSP New Graduate Student Mentorship Program

    The program will be run during the Fall 2023 Semester, with an in-person meetup at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023 in San Francisco. Interested individuals can apply HERE to become either a mentor or mentee. The application deadline is September 13, 2023.

    In this EPSP-sponsored program, new Master's and PhD students with at least one year of graduate school remaining will receive guidance in a small group discussion format from experienced graduate students. The discussions are an opportunity for students at all levels to share experiences and advice on a range of topics and skills to foster academic success.

    Experienced graduate students with at least two years of graduate school experience will have the opportunity to lead three structured discussions with new Master's or PhD students. The topics for these discussions will vary between each pair, but potentially include: taking advantage of networking opportunities, pursuing funded research, attending conferences, and the scientific publishing process. Suggested discussion materials and group training sessions (on relevant ethics, diversity, equity, and inclusivity) will be provided to the mentors with the hope that their personal experience will supplement the discussion. 

    This is a great opportunity for both early and late stage graduate students to learn from one another and build connections across age and experience. 

    The application deadline is September 13, 2023. Participation will be limited, so apply today! 

    If your application to participate as a mentor or mentee is successful, organizers and participants will meet remotely on September 27, 2023 for a Kickoff Meeting.


    The EPSP Student Committee

    Questions? Contact

    Daniel C White