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Overview and Membership
Executive Committee
Advocacy Committee
Nomination Task Force
Student Committee
Early Career Committee
DEI Committee
Early Career
This Year's Awardees
AGU Fellows
Union Level Awards and Honors
SPA Section Awards and Honors
SPA Section Named Lectureships
Aeronomy Discussion Community
Magnetospheric Physics Discussion Community
Solar and Heliospheric Physics Discussion Community
SPA Discussion Community
SPA Education and Public Outreach Committee
Research Groups
The Aerospace Corporation
Air Force Academy/Physics Department
Air Force Research Laboratory
Space Vehicles Directorate
Space Weather Center of Excellence
Space Weather Data from DMSP and C/NOFS
(user account required)
The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) Experiment
Alfven Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden/Space Plasma Physics Group
Arecibo Observatory (National Astronomy and Ionospheric Center - NAIC)
Auburn University/Physics Department
Augsburg College/Space Physics Group
Boston University/Center for Space Physics
Space Physics Acquisition Center (BUSPACE)
Brazilian National Space Research Insitute (INPE)
Aeronomy Division (DAE)/The Upper Atmosphere Research Group (FISAT)
Space Geophysics Division (DGE)
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
British Geological Survey/Geomagnetism Group
California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/Space Radiation Laboratory
California Space Institute (CalSpace)
Clemson University/Atmospheric Science and Space Plasma Physics Group
Communications Research Laboratory (CRL), Japan
Computational Physics, Inc. (CPI)
Republic/Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR
Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)
Dartmouth College
Space Physics Group
Department of Physics and Astronomy
EISCAT Scientific Association/Tromsø, Norway
Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)/Department of Geophysics
Florida Institute of Technology/Physics and Space Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology — Magnetospheres in the Outer Solar System (MOSS)
Imperial College, UK/Space and Atmospheric Physics Group
Institut Solnechno-Zemnoi Fiziki (Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics), Russia
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan
International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy
and Radiopropagation Laboratory (ARPL)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Jicamarca Radio Observatory
JHU/APL/Space Department
Aurora Particles and Imagery
Altitude Adjusted Corrected Geomagnetic Coordinates (AACGM)
Kyoto University, Japan/Department of Geophysics
Leicester University, UK/Ionospheric Physics Group
Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Company, Space Physics Laboratory (LMSPL)
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
Center for Space Science and Exploration
NIS Division Projects
Energetic Particle
Magnetospheric Plasma Analyzer (MPA)
Lund University, Sweden/Space Weather and AI Center
MIT/ Plasma Group
Theoretical Geo/Cosmo Plasma Group
Max-Planck-Institut for
Physics/Aussenstelle Berlin (MPE), Germany
Max-Planck-Institut for Aeronomie, Germany
Millstone Hill Observatory
Nagoya University, Japan/Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STEL)
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
High Altitude Observatory (HAO)
National Institute of Polar Research, Japan
National Solar Observatory (NSO)
Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
The Goddard Modeling Group
Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
Space Sciences Laboratory (MSFC/SSL)
MSFC/Space Plasma Physics Branch
MSFC/Solar Physics Branch
The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
Plasma Physics Division (NRL/PPD)
Space Science Division (NRL/SSD)
NRL/SSD/Upper Atmospheric Physics Branch
Solar Terrestrial
Relationships Branch/The Theory Section
NOAA/Space Environment Laboratory (NOAA/SEL)
New Mexico Tech Electrical Engineering/Physics Department
Measurements of Scattered UV Radiation in the Upper Stratosphere
Northwest Research Associates, Inc. (NWRA)
Ionospheric Scintillation Prediction
Space Weather Indices
Queen Mary & Westfield College (QMW), London, UK/Astronomy Unit
Space Plasmas
Rice University/Space Physics and Astronomy
Magnetospheric Specification Model (MSM)/Rice University
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK/Space Science Department (RAL/SSD)
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK/EISCAT Group (RAL/EISCAT)
SAIC/Applied Physics Operation
Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory (SGO), Finland
Southwest Research Institute/Space Plasma Physics Section
Space Research Institute (IKI), Russia
Space Science Institute
Stanford University/Solar Physics Group
Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF)
Kiruna Division
Uppsala Division (IRFU)
/Kiev Tarasa Shevchenko University
University College London (UCL), UK/Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL)/Space Plasma Group
of Alabama in Huntsville
The Center for Space Plasma, Aeronomy, and Astrophysics Research (
Atmospheric Science Department
Physics Department
University of
, Spain
Cosmic Ray Group
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Poker Flat Research Range
Sprite Watchers Home Page
University of Alberta, Canada
Department of Physics
Space Physics Group
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina/Physics Department
Atmosphere and Space Geophysics Group
University of Calgary, Canada
Department of Physics and Astronomy
for Space Research
of California, Berkeley/Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL)
Space Physics Group
of California, Irvine/Department of Physics and Astronomy
of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics/Space Science Center (UCLA/IGPP/SSC)
Large Plasma Device (LAPD) Laboratory
of California, San Diego/San Diego Space Physics Center (UCSD/SDSP)
University of Chicago/Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Research (LASR)
University of Colorado/Department of Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences (APAS)
University of Colorado/The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
The Student Nitric Oxide Explorer (SNOE)
University of Delaware/The Bartol Research Institute
University of Houston/Space Physics Group
University of Illinois/Aeronomy Laboratory
University of Iowa/Department of Physics and Astronomy
Particles and Imaging Research Group
Plasma Wave Group
Theory and HYDRA Group
University of Maryland (UM)
Space Physics Group
Space and Plasma Physics
Upper Atmospheric Physics
University of Michigan/
, Ocean & Space Sciences Department
Space Physics Research Laboratory
Planetary Science Laboratory
Magnetosphere- Ionosphere
Science Team
Solar and Heliospheric Research Group
Windows to the Universe (Johnson)
Space Weather Today (Johnson/Reiff/Jones)
University of Minnesota/Space Plasma Physics
University of Newcastle, Australia
of Physics
Space Plasma Waves Research Group
University of New Hampshire
Experimental Space Physics Group
Space Plasma Physics Group
University of Oulu, Finland/Space Physics Group
University of Queensland, Physics Dept., Space Physics Group
University of Southern California (USC)/Space Sciences Center
University of St. Andrews, Scotland/Solar MHD Theory Group
University of Sussex, UK/Space Science Centre
of Texas at Austin/Space and Geophysics Group
of Texas at Dallas/William B. Hanson Center for Space Sciences
of Tokyo, Japan/Solar and Terrestrial Physics (STP)
University of Warwick, UK/Space
Astrophysics Group
University of Washington/Space Physics Group
University of Western Ontario, Canada/Space
Atmospheric Research
University of York, UK/Space Geophysics Group
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)/Geomagnetism Group
Utah State University/Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences (USU/CASS)
West Virginia University
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