Geodesy Section Webinars

Geodesy Lecture Series

These invited online talks are a part of the new early career geodesy lecture series promoted by the Geodesy Section and supported by AGU.  

Date/Time Speaker Title Zoom Link

Thursday May 30, 2024, 9:30 am EST, 6:30 am PST

Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma, Center for Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science How Geodesy Has Been Helping Hydrologists to Measure the Unmeasurable Otherwise

Recording of the talk on YouTube:

Moderator: Matt Pritchard

March 6, 2024

4pm EST, 1pm PST

Anna Riddell, Geoscience Australia The World Needs More Geodesists – An Australian Perspective

Recording of the talk on YouTube:

Moderator: Matt Pritchard

January 23, 2024
3 pm PST /6 pm EST
Brendan Crowell, University of Washington GNSS Velocities for Seismic Network Applications

Recording of the talk on YouTube:

Moderator: Bill Hammond

January 24, 2023
3 pm EST /12 pm PST
Lei Wang,The Ohio State University Spatiotemporal modeling of Earth system changes using satellite gravimetry and altimetry: I) ice sheet mass changes; II) great earthquake deformations Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Matt Pritchard
March 7, 2023
9 am Singapore time (GMT +8): (5pm PST/8pm EST March 6, 2023)
Lujia Feng, Earth Observatory of Singapore The Sumatran GPS Array: A hero network in tectonic and climate studies

Recording of talk on YouTube:

Moderator: Laura Wallace
March 30, 2023
7 pm AST (Arabia Time) /12 pm EDT/9 am PDT
Shaozhuo Liu, KAUST, Saudi Arabia Hunting for tectonic and climatic signals in GPS position time series
Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Matt Pritchard
April 21, 2023
11 am EDT/8 am PDT
Stacy Larochelle, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University Geodetic insights into water-driven aquifer and ice sheet dynamics
Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Matt Pritchard
May 11, 2023
4 pm Central European Summer Time (CEST)/10 am EDT/7 am PDT
Rebekka Steffen, Lantmäteriet (The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority) Models of glacial isostatic adjustment and their use in geodesy and tectonics
Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Matt Pritchard
September 29, Noon EDT

Nikki Markiel, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

John Galetzka and Rick Bennett, National Geodetic Survey

Jeremy Maurer, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Donna Charlevoix and Michael Hubenthal, Earthscope Consortium

The world needs more geodesists: Growing and broadening the geodesy workforce

Link to recording of talks on YouTube:

Moderator: Matt Pritchard

Oct. 27 Noon EDT

Kathryn Materna, USGS

Along-strike propagation of shallow creep events from high-resolution space geodetic observations  

Link to recording of talk on YouTube:

Moderator: Matt Pritchard

Jan. 28, 2022
8 am PST/11 am EST
Julia Pfeffer, Department of Earth Observation, Magellium, Toulouse, France Climate Fingerprints from Space Geodesy Moderator: Matt Pritchard
(Sorry, this lecture was not recorded)
Feb. 22, 2022
5 pm CET/11 am EST
KristelChanard, Université de Paris - IPGP, Géodésie, IGN, France Geodetic signature of continental hydrology Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Lei Wang
March 23, 2022
10 am MT/12 pm EST
Dara Goldberg, U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Colorado, USA Geodetic observations in routine USGS earthquake response Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Bill Hammond
April 21,2022 9:00 am AEST/April 20, 7:00 pm EDT
Anna Riddell, Geoscience Australia Vertical Land Motion of Australia from GNSS and geophysical models Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Mayra Oyola
May 31, 2022
2pm BST/9am EDT
Grace Nield, Durham University, UK Solid Earth Deformation in the Antarctic Peninsula Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Matt Pritchard
June 28, 2022
2 pm EDT/11 am PDT
Mike Croteau, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD Optimizing GRACE/GRACE-FO time variable gravity products through advanced estimation strategies Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Matt Pritchard
October 20, 2022
1 pm PDT/4 pm EDT
Diego Melgar, University of Oregon The future of high-rate GNSS in earthquake observing systems Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Bill Hammond
November 4, 2022
3 pm GMT/8 am PDT
Susanna Ebmeier, University of Leeds, UK  SAR measurements of dynamic volcanism:
from magma supply to lava extrusion
Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Matt Pritchard
Oct. 28, 2021
10 am EDT
Lin Liu, Chinese University of Hong Kong Geodetic Studies of (Not-so) Frozen Ground Moderator: Matt Pritchard
(Sorry, this lecture was not recorded)
Nov. 16, 2021
1 pm EST
Surendra Adhikari, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA Ice-Earth Interaction in Greenland Across Timescales Recording of talk on YouTube:
Moderator: Matt Pritchard