The John Wahr Award is intended to honor young members (40 years of age or younger) of AGU’s Geodesy Section who show the potential to become AGU Fellows in the future, but who are not yet Fellows. The John Wahr Award is given in recognition of major advances in geodesy. These advances can be in geodetic science, technology, applications, observations, or theory.
Selection process
AGU will accept nominations starting in January each year and the Section President will distribute a request for nominations. Nominations should be submitted to AGU through the Section Awards webpage before mid-April each year.
Nominations should follow the guidelines given on the award pages listed below.
The President-Elect will discuss nominations with the John Wahr Early Career Award committee, and the President-Elect and Committee will vote to select one candidate to receive the award. The result of the election must then be approved by the President of the Geodesy section. The awardee will be notified by the President three months prior to the Fall AGU meeting. The Geodesy Section members will be notified by email before the AGU meeting and invited to attend a brief ceremony at the reception-business meeting. The awardee will be honored and a certificate and memento will be presented at the reception-business meeting of the Section.
Type of award
The award will consist of an appropriate memento with a modest price which will be given to the awardee. The cost will be covered by the Geodesy Section funds.
Past Awardees