
Ivan I. Mueller Award


The Ivan I. Mueller Award for Distinguished Service and Leadership is given to acknowledge major achievements in service to and/or leadership within the field of geodesy performed by an individual who is a member of the AGU, who has primary or secondary membership in the Geodesy Section, and whose body of work enhances the visibility of geodesy within AGU and within the international associated bodies. This award encompasses all areas of geodesy, including exceptional performance in fieldwork, the development, and maintenance of major software systems, the leadership of scientific initiatives, education and public outreach, and a variety of other service and leadership achievements. Its purpose is to recognize achievements in the field of geodesy beyond scientific and research contributions.

Eligibility: Member of AGU, primary or secondary affiliation in the Geodesy Section

Frequency: Annually

Type of Award: The award will consist of an award plaque to be presented to the awardee. The cost will be covered by the Geodesy Section funds.

Nomination and Selection Process

Ivan Mueller Award nominations can be submitted via the online submission system. Should you encounter any issues submitting your nomination, please contact the AGU Honors Team for assistance. All nomination packages must be completely submitted by 11:59 PM EST 15 April .

Nominations should include:

  • A brief CV with a list of significant publications (2 pages or less)
  • Candidates Bibliography
  • One nomination letter and two supporting letters (2 pages or less for each)

Additional Information

Selection will be made by a committee consisting of the President-Elect of the Geodesy Section (Chair) and the Fellows Committee of the Geodesy Section. The result of the selection must then be approved by the President of the Geodesy section. The awardee will be notified by the President three months prior to the Fall AGU meeting. The Geodesy Section members will be notified by email before the AGU meeting and invited to attend a brief ceremony at the reception-business meeting. The awardee will be honored and a plaque will be presented at the reception-business meeting of the Section or prior to the Bowie Lecture.

Past Awardees

  • 2024: Tom Herring, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 2023: Paul Alan Rosen, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • 2022: Paul Rebischung, Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
    Harald Schuh, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
  • 2019: Frank Flechtner, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam
  • 2018: Richard Gross, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
  • 2017: Kenneth W. Hudnut, U.S. Geological Survey, Pasadena, Calif.
  • 2016: Eric Jameson Fielding, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
  • 2015: Charles Meertens, UNAVCO, Boulder, Colo
  • 2014; Carine Bruyninx, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels
  • 2013: Robert W. King, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge