
Archived Outstanding Student Presentation Awards

2023 Fall Meeting

  • Caroline van CalcarThe Sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to Earth Structures under Global Warming Scenarios
  • Jensen DeGrande  “Improvement in GNSS Magnitude Estimation Performance with a Combined PGD-PGV Scaling Law for Earthquake Early Warning
  • Riccardo NucciGeodetic Strain Rates and Seismicity Rates along the Apennines (Italy)
  • Leonard OhenhenOn Sinking Grounds: Assessing Subsidence Impacts to Coastal Environments along the US Atlantic Coast

2013 Fall Meeting

  • David Bekaert “Robust corrections for topographically-correlated atmospheric noise in InSAR data from large deforming regions”
  • Fernando Greene  “Wide Scale Postseismic Deformation in Western Basin and Range Province Determined with Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar”
  • Melania Susi “Robust GPS carrier tracking under scintillation”

2012 Fall Meeting

  • Bryan Riel “Multiscale Transient Signal Detection: Localizing Transients in Geodetic Data Through Wavelet Transforms and Sparse Estimation Techniques”
  • Christof Lorenz  “Improving the spatial resolution of terrestrial water storage changes from GRACE using hydrological- and hydro-meteorological information”
  • Estelle Chaussard “Precursory deformation and depths of magma storage revealed by regional InSAR time series surveys: example of the Indonesian and Mexican volcanic arcs”

2011 Fall Meeting

  • Richard Walters, University of Oxford, UK“Interseismic strain accumulation across the Ashkabad fault (NE Iran) from MERIS-corrected ASAR data”
  • Matthew Travis, Pennsylvania State University, University Station, PA“Strain Partitioning in a Propagating Ridge System: Inter and Intra-Ridge Strain Accumulation in South Iceland”
  • Garrett Thornton, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX“Modeling vertical deformation along the San Andreas Fault System using geodetic, geologic, groundwater, and tide gauge data”
  • Yuning Fu, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK“Vertical Deformation in the Himalaya and Tibet Constrained by GPS and GRACE Measurements”

2010 Fall Meeting

  • Katharina Unglert Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, “Correlating variations in GPS and shear-wave splitting: Is there a common source?
  • Felipe Nievinski University of Colorado, Boulder, “GPS interferometric reflectometry: Forward and inverse modeling of GPS signal strength data applied to remote sensing of snow”
  • Eric Kiser Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts,“The Frequency Dependent Characteristics of the 2010 Chile Earthquake “
  • Benoit Meyssignac Laboratoire d’Etudes en Geophysique et Oceanographie Spatiales, Toulouse, France, “Regional variability in sea level trends since 1950: comparison between sea level hindcasts from the CNRM coupled climate model with different forcings, past sea level reconstructions and observed steric sea level”
  • Eline Le Breton University Rennes, Rennes, France,“Differential spreading along the northern North Atlantic ridge and resulting intraplate deformation of the adjacent continental margins”
  • William Barnhart Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, “Identifying Growth of Structures in the Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt: Initial Time Series Results and Evaluation of Precipitable Water Vapor Effects”

2009 Fall Meeting

  • Natalya Gomez, Earth and Planetary Sciences Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA,The Sensitivity of Sea-Level Fingerprints to the Geometry of Ice Sheet Mass Balance
  • Ana Peralta Ferriz, Polar Science Center, APL, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA,High Frequency Variations of Arctic Ocean Bottom Pressure and Their Relation to Atmospheric Pressure
  • Daniel Sinnett, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA,A Principal Component Analysis of Hawaiian Volcanoes Deformation
  • Brad Lipovsky, Earth Science, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA, Strain Transient Detection Techniques: A Comparison of Source Parameter Inversions of Signals Isolated through Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Non-Linear PCA, and Rotated PCA

2009 Joint Assembly

  • William D. Barnhart, Cornell University, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 2122 Snee Hall, Ithaca, NY, USA, Modeling Coulomb Stress Changes Associated With the 2005 and 2008 Qeshm Island, Iran Thrust Earthquakes Through InSAR Inversions

2008 Fall Meeting

  • Richard Koehler, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, USA, The accommodation of distributed crustal strain across the northern basin and range on active faults: A paleoseismic study
  • Ozgur Kozaci, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Constancy of strain release rates along the North Anatolian fault
  • Karen Simon, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada,Ocean loading effects on predictions of uplift and gravity changes due to glacial isostatic adjustment in Antarctica

2008 Joint Assembly

  • Noel Gourmelen, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA; Fault rate acceleration and low angle normal faulting: The Hunter Mountain fault, California.
  • Kimberly Psencik, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA; Episodic tremor and slip on the Cocos-Caribbean subduction zone as measured by a GPS and seismic network on the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica.

2007 Fall Meeting

  • Ivana Barisin, University of Oxford, U.K.; Deformation measurements for the September 2005 AFAR rifting event from sub-pixel correlation of SPOT images.
  • Reed Burgette, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA; A more accurate vertical velocity fi eld for coastal Oregon reveals variations in extent of locking on the Cascadia subduction zone.
  • James Hollingsworth, Bullard Laboratories, University of Cambridge, U.K.; Active tectonics of western Turkmenistan: Implications for the onset of South Caspian subduction.
  • Diane Rivet, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA; Interseismic secular deformation in southern California from InSAR-derived maps over the time period between 1992 and 2006.

2007 Joint Assembly

  • Henry Turner, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA; Forearc sliver translation, a lack of arc-normal strain accumulation, and interplate thrust earthquakes: GPS geodesy in western Nicaragua.

2006 Fall Meeting

  • Ronni Grapenthin, (, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland Icelandic rhythmics: Annual modulation of land elevation and plate spreading by snow load”
  • Ellen Mallman, (, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA “The Role of Shale Compaction due to Hydrocarbon Production on Subsidence in the Louisiana Coastal Zone”
  • Hugo Schotman, (,SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands “Shallow Low-Viscosity Zones in Flat-3D Finite-Element Models of Glacial-Isostatic Adjustment”
  • Pierre Tinard, ( Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Fd, France, “New Insights in the Dynamic of the Volcanic Processes at Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (Reunion Island) Using ENVISAT-ASAR Data”

Fall 2005

  • Emily Desmarais, Stanford University, Department of Geophysics, Stanford, CA, USA, “A series of transient slip events on Kilauea volcano, Hawaii”
  • Erwab Mazarico, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, USA, “Measurement of the Martian upper atmospheric density using Mars Odyssey radio tracking data”
  • Juliet Biggs, University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, UK, “Measuring the slip rate on faults with InSAR in difficult interferometric conditions: The Denali Fault (Alaska)”

Spring 2005

  • Noah Fay, University or Oregon, Department of Geological Sciences, USA, “Kinematics and Dynamics of the Southern San Andreas Fault System”

Fall 2004

  • Adrian Borsa (, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, San Diego, US, “Modeling the salar de Uyuni, Bolivia as an equipotential surface of Earth’s gravity field”
  • Ryan Gold (, Department of Geology, University of California Davis, US, “Strike-slip fault evolution at intermediate (10ka – 1Ma) timescales: An example from the Aksai restraining stepover along the Altyn Tagh fault, NW China”
  • Bridget Smith (, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, San Diego, US, “A 3-D semi-analytic viscoelastic model of the San Andreas fault system: A 1000-year perspective of the earthquake cycle”

Spring 2004

  • Jesse Fisher Lawrence (, Washington University, St. Louis, US, “3D Whole-Mantle Velocity and Quality Factor”

Fall 2003

  • Gina Schmalzle (, University of Miami, US, “Effects of lateral heterogeneity on strain accumulation across the Carrizo Plain segment of the SAF”
  • Yusaku Ohta (, Nagoya University, Japan, “Reexamination of interplate coupling model in the Tokai region based on GPS data”
  • Fayaz Onn (, Stanford University, US, “Compensating atmospheric distortions in SAR interferograms using continuous GPS time series of zenith wet delay estimates”

Fall 1996

  • Michael Poland (

Spring 1996

  • Remko Scharroo (

Fall 1995

  • Jeff Ridgeway
  • Donald Chambers (

Spring 1995

  • John Weber
  • Attila Komjathy

Fall 1994

  • Bingming Shen-Tu
  • E. Robert Kursinski
  • Eric Canuteson
  • Jishu Deng

Spring 1994

  • Mara Yale

Fall 1993

  • Simon Williams
  • Susan Owen

Fall 1990

  • Andrea Donnellan

Fall 1989

  • Bryan A. Buffett
  • Karen M. Marks

Spring 1988

  • Spiros D. Pagiatakis

Fall 1987

  • Allan Rubin

Spring 1987

  • Paul Wessel

Fall 1986

  • John Ries

Spring 1986

  • Richard J. Evans

Fall 1985

  • Charles Demeto

2014 Fall Meeting

  • Heming Liao “Ionosphere effect correction in InSAR using improved split spectrum processing”
  • Keven Roy  “Mantle viscosity constraints from U.S. East coast relative sea level histories: Implications for understanding the glacial isostatic adjustment of the North American continent”
  • Lamber Caron “Inverting Glacial Isostatic Adjustment beyond linear viscoelasticity using Burgers rheology”