Oral Presenter Guidelines

View the Online Scientific Program to see all sessions and abstracts accepted for the joint AGU-CAS JING Meeting.

Wi-Fi will cover all conference rooms.

All presenters MUST be registered to attend the AGU-CAS JING Meeting. Note that registered guests are not allowed in the poster hall; guest are not allowed in the scientific sessions. Only registered scientific attendees may enter the poster hall. Please have your meeting badge visible for the security guards at the entrance to the hall.

Oral Presentation Hours

Wednesday, 17 October

8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
1:30 P.M. – 3:15 P.M.
3:30 P.M. – 4:30 P.M.

Thursday, 18 October

8:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.
10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M

Friday, 19 October

8:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.
10:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.
1:30 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.

Saturday, 20 October

8:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.

Please check the online scientific program for any updates closer to the meeting.

Speaker Ready Room

Location: TBD


Tuesday, 16 October: 3:30 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.

Wednesday 17 October – Saturday 20 October: 7:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.

  • Check-in: All speakers are required to check into the on-site Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours before their presentation. Please check the online scientific program for any updates to the program. Presentations should be reviewed in the Speaker Ready Room to be certain the fonts are displayed correctly.
  • If you cannot upload your presentation 24 hours before your session THAT IS OK. Please go to the Speaker Ready Room as early as possible before the start of your session.
  • Checking in at the Speaker Ready Room on-site is the most important step you will take to ensure your presentation is a success. Those presenting on Wednesday, 17 October must check in Tuesday, 16 October between 6:00 M. and 9:00 P.M. We strongly suggest that presenters scheduled for Wednesday, 17, check-in to the Speaker Ready Room as soon as possible before the start of your session.
  • When reviewing your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room, make sure all fonts appear as expected and all audio/video clips are working properly. You may edit your presentation at this time. When you are finished reviewing your presentation and verifying it is ready, the audiovisual staff will queue your presentation.
  • Important Reminder: We recommend you bring at least two copies of your presentation file (on CD-ROM, DVD, or USB storage device) to the meeting in case there is an issue with your presentation.
  • The file will then be transferred to the computer network at the AJM2018 meeting. When the presentation is to be given, the file will be loaded on the computer in the oral session room. Once the presentation has started, the speaker will control the program using a computer mouse.

Uploading Your Presentation

Electronic files must be submitted in the Speaker Ready Room using one of the formats listed below:

  • PowerPoint 2016 or earlier version
  • Preferred video format: .wmv or .mp4
  • Acceptable video formats (may require conversion, please allow extra time) .mov, .avi, .mpg, .mp4, .wmv
  • PDF
  • Unix Users: Bring HTML Files or PDF
  • If you bring your presentation on a USB Drive to the Speaker Ready Room the drive should be PC Formatted

Important Reminder: Personal laptops CANNOT be used in meeting rooms while giving your oral presentation. You must upload your visuals from the Speaker Ready Room. Speaker Ready Room personnel are not responsible for your devices (i.e., memory cards, disks, laptops, etc.)


You will be required to provide identification to submit your presentation and also to access it in the Speaker Ready Room; presentation media is returned to the speaker. USB ports and CD/DVD drives on computers are disabled so no presentations can be copied, and external storage devices will not function on the meeting room computers.Cameras and video equipment are not permitted in the Speaker Ready Room.

Presentation Tips

  • Oral session presenters may visit the Speaker Ready Room, located in Room (TBD) each day to familiarize themselves with the equipment in the room or ask a technician any questions.
  • Be considerate of other speakers and the audience by staying within your allotted time. The individual presentation time includes 5 minutes for discussion and changeover to the next speaker. Session moderators will hold you to the allotted time, which is essential to ensure adequate time for questions and discussion.
  • Please discuss the material as reported in your submitted and approved abstract.
  • Prepare your presentation in advance so that your ideas are logically organized and your points are clear.
  • Take time to rehearse your presentation. If your presentation runs longer than the allotted time, eliminate the least essential material and rehearse again.
  • Give an opening statement to acquaint the audience with the nature and purpose of the study. Speak slowly and clearly. Word choice should be simple: use active words and short sentences.
  • Use the microphone and speak toward the audience. Note: When the microphone is clipped to your lapel, it is difficult for the audience to hear if you turn your head away, so please have copies of your presentation at the podium.