
Understanding Carbon Climate Feedbacks


Format & Schedule
The scientific program is now live!
AnĀ online program book is also available and current as of 21 August.

The meeting will have 4 main thematic sessions, with each session ending with summary and discussions. Each thematic session is related to a leading carbon-climate feedback topics. These topics are:

  1. Detecting carbon-climate feedback processes in the face of interannual, decadal, and centennial surface carbon flux variability?
  2. Critical processes and scales that control the magnitude of carbon-climate feedbacks
  3. Significant and sensitive regions
  4. Predictions of long-term carbon-climate feedbacks

The thematic sessions will include invited and contributed papers. The sessions will be interdisciplinary, spanning terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric science, and combine presentations from observational and numerical modeling communities. Open discussion sessions will be devoted to quantifying carbon cycle uncertainties, and determining future directions for modeling and (sustained) observational programs to reduce these uncertainties. The conference will span four days with plenary session of invited, contributed talks, and poster sessions. The poster sessions will start with voluntary 2-min speed talks, designed to foster discussions and information exchange.

Field Trip

A visit to the historical Scripps CO2 observatory is planned for Wednesday afternoon.