Any AGU member may propose an AGU Chapman Conference.
Interested individuals should contact both the Conference Manager, Judy Dalie, and the AGU Chapman Conference Chair, Doug Alsdorf. Proposed AGU Chapman conferences can be held on the same or similar topics as previous or upcoming conferences, however justification is required. A sample proposal is provided here as a guide to get you started.
Get Your Conference Started!
- Create a written summary, including scientific topics, objectives and goals
- Prepare a preliminary list of key speakers and anticipated number of participants (including students and young professionals)
- Provide contact information for confirmed co-conveners and program committee (and conveners’ curricula vitae)
- Outline the general format and schedule
- Suggest conference dates and duration; view the Timing/Scheduling a Chapman Conference section for AGU policy and guidelines.
- Offer location preferences that will promote conference objectives
- List co-sponsors and their role (non-financial support)
- List probable sources of financial support (for travel grants and/or conference expenses)
- Cite anticipated publications such as conference reports, journal articles and/or a book
- Describe scientific field trips, if applicable
A sample proposal is available as a guide to get you started.
Please note: AGU is not a financial resource for the AGU Chapman conferences; each conference must be self-supporting. Registration fees vary per conference requirements (i.e., food and beverage, audio-visual, and AGU’s logistics, technical and administrative support). In order to decrease the cost for conference participants, conveners are encouraged to seek external funding to support the conference.