Abstract Submission Guidelines
The scientific program is live! A program book is also available.
- Abstracts must focus on scientific results or their application. The Program Committee may decline to consider abstracts with other focus.
- There is no fee for abstract submissions and AGU Membership is not a requirement.
- Submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation to give a presentation in the designated manner assigned by the Program Committee. It also grants AGU permission to publish the abstract.
- Oral presentations cannot be requested, although you may request a poster presentation.
- The abstract title is limited to 300 characters and the abstract text is limited to 2000 characters. The 2000 character limit includes punctuation, but not spacing.
- A research team may be referenced during the submission process in the ‘Title of Team’ field, in lieu of adding the names of individual team members.
- You may add one (1) table or images to your submission. If you would like to include multiple images, you must combine the images and save them as one file. JPG is the preferred image format. Supported file types include: JPEG image (*.jpg), PNG image (*.png), GIF image (*.gif).
- Submissions can be submitted and edited at any time up until the deadline of 10 July.
- Notifications will be sent in early August.