
Winter Limnology in a Changing World

Format & Schedule

The scientific program is available here. A program book is also available.
Arrival & Registration
Climate and Ice Dynamics
Wednesday Biogeochemistry Thursday
Field Trip
breakfast free/arrival conference hosted breakfast conference hosted breakfast conference hosted breakfast conference hosted breakfast
morning free/arrival Trends in ice duration Winter setup of spring/summer/ autumn Biological connections across seasons field trip, free/departure
lunch free/arrival conference hosted lunch conference hosted lunch conference hosted lunch conference hosted lunch
afternoon free/arrival Relationship of ice trends to air temperature and cloud cover trends Spring/summer/ autumn setup of winter Temperature dependency of biotic processes AND Trophic interactions under ice field trip, free/departure
early evening Group dinner - Trends in ice cover - results of pre-workshop survey and Interactive session ice phenology Group dinner - Trends in biogeochemical and biology expectations - results of pre- workshop survey and Interactive session Group dinner - unstructured Group dinner - summary of major results free/departure

The conference will span five days. Prior to the workshop, participants will be asked to submit (e.g. via Survey Monkey) short data-supported arguments for or against hypotheses associated with each session topic. The conveners will synthesize these responses to present at the workshop, and to seed discussion.

The beginning of each large morning and afternoon session will begin with a brief round of lightning talks that moves into discussion and synthesis of these discussion points with survey results. Coffee and snack breaks will occur among posters prepared by attendees. Each day will be organized to ensure plenty of opportunities for small group discussions.

Each day has thematic sessions are organized around hypotheses. During discussions, leaders will seek to determine (a) if there is sufficient evidence to determine a true or false result. (b) If sufficient, then the discussants will document the evidence and (c) if not sufficient, then they will provide a roadmap toward the required tests.

The meeting will have 5 main thematic sessions, each with associated hypotheses to focus the discussion.

Theme 1: Climate and ice dynamics (Tues)

Hypothesis 1: The rate of ice loss is accelerating.

Hypothesis 2: Rates of ice loss are higher in ice-covered lakes that are experiencing increased summer air temperature and decreased cloud cover.

Theme 2: Winter and cross-seasonal biogeochemistry (Wed)

Hypothesis 3: Springtime water column concentrations of inorganic solutes and gases are

higher following longer winters with deeper snow and ice.

Hypothesis 4: Wintertime rates of accumulation for inorganic solutes and gases are slower

following longer, warmer summers and autumns.

Theme 3: Biological connections across seasons (Thurs)

Hypothesis 5: Winter plankton community composition controls ecosystem structure and

function during the subsequent spring and summer.

Hypothesis 6: In years with shorter ice duration, winter variables (e.g. nutrients, P:R) are more strongly linked to conditions of the previous open water period.

Theme 4: Temperature dependency of biotic processes and habitat (Thurs)

Hypothesis 7: A 1° C rise in lake temperature results in a doubling of a) growth rates of organisms, and b) rates of fundamental biological processes (e.g., photosynthesis).

Hypothesis 8: A 2° C rise is associated with decreased species diversity.

Theme 5: Trophic interactions under ice (Thurs)

Hypothesis 9: Low light and cold temperature under ice increase the nutrient content of organisms (e.g. N:C, P:C) and increase the availability of nutritious taxa.

Hypothesis 10: Increased habitat coupling, pelagic-benthic linkages, and dependence benthic resources occur under ice.

The sessions will be interdisciplinary and combine presentations of the modern or historical observations of seasonally ice covered lakes, permanently ice covered lakes, as well as newly opened lakes or lakes that rarely freeze, including studies of individual water bodies, groups of water bodies, and to the degree possible, regional- to continental-scale limnology.