Oral Presenter Guidelines

View the 2018 Online Scientific Program to see all sessions, abstracts and events accepted for the 2018 Triennial Earth-Sun Summit.   

All presenters MUST be registered to attend and present at the Triennial Earth-Sun Summit. Note that registered guests are not allowed in the poster hall; guest are not allowed in the scientific sessions. Only registered scientific attendees may enter the poster hall.

Oral Presenter Guidelines

Oral Presentation Hours

Monday – Thursday

8:30 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.

11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.

2:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.

4:30 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Please check the online scientific program for any updates closer to the meeting.

Speaker Ready Room

Location: Boardroom


Sunday: 2:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Monday – Wednesday: 7:30 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Thursday: 7:30 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

  • Check-in: All speakers are required to check into the on-site Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours before their presentation. Please check the online scientific program for any updates to the program. Presentations should be reviewed in the Speaker Ready Room to be certain the fonts are displayed correctly.
  • If you cannot upload your presentation 24 hours before your session THAT IS OK. Please go to the Speaker Ready Room as early as possible before the start of your session.
    • Checking in at the Speaker Ready Room on-site is the most important step you will take to ensure your presentation is a success. Those presenting on Monday, 21 May must check in Sunday, 20 May between 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. We strongly suggest that presenters scheduled for Monday, 21 May use the pre-submission option that will be available in early May. If your presentation is scheduled for Monday, and you do not arrive in Leesburg until late Sunday or Monday, please check-in to the Speaker Ready Room as soon as possible before the start of your session.
  • When reviewing your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room, make sure all fonts appear as expected and all audio/video clips are working properly. For best results, use commonly used fonts. Remember, these are rental computers, and may not support the full selection of fonts. You may edit your presentation at this time. When you are finished reviewing your presentation and verifying it is ready, the audiovisual staff will queue your presentation.
  • Important Reminder: We recommend you bring at least two copies of your presentation file (on CD-ROM, DVD, or USB storage device) to the meeting in case there is an issue with your presentation. The Speaker Ready Room does not have available thumb drives, so please be sure to come prepared.
  • The file will then be transferred to the computer network at the TESS Meeting. When the presentation is to be given, the file will be loaded on the computer in the oral session room. Once the presentation has started, the speaker will control the program using a computer mouse. At the end of the meeting, all files will be destroyed.
  • All technical session rooms will be equipped with a PC using MS Office 2016.
  • Presentations should be formatted to 16:9.
  • Acceptable file types: PowerPoint (.pptx is preferred, pptx, pps, or .ppsx), or PDF (.pdf) are acceptable. If your graphics or video clips are not embedded in your presentation, please be sure to bring them as well.
  • Mac users-Please Read: If your presentation was created on a Mac and converted to run on a PC, please test it before you come to the meeting. Make sure that the hyperlinks still function, and avoid using a rewritable CD (CD-RW), as we’ve encountered compatibility problems with them. If your presentation includes embedded video, your video will most likely NOT play automatically on the PC platform if you haven't saved it in .pptx format. Be sure to insert pictures using "insert file from" and not via drag and drop. THE KEYNOTE PRESENTATION SOFTWARE IS NOT SUPPORTED. We strongly recommend that you test your Mac-produced presentation on a Windows-based system before coming to the meeting and again in the Speaker Ready Room one hour prior to presenting.

    Uploading Your Presentation to Presenter’s Corner: Deadline 16 May

    Oral Presentations can be uploaded either onsite in the Speaker Ready Room, or online prior to the meeting via the link below.


    Enter your paper ID [[Paper_id]] and password [[Paper_Password]]. Click on “presentation upload” and then browse to your file and click “upload.”

    The deadline to upload presentations online is 16 May at 11:59 PM Eastern. After 16 May, you must upload your presentation in the Speaker Ready Room beginning at 2:00 PM on 20 May. Please note that if you upload your presentation online, you still must still check-in to the Speaker Ready Room at least an hour before your session start time to do a final check and make any final edits as needed.

    If you have any questions regarding the specifications for your presentation, please email agu@confex.com.

    Authors must present their accepted abstract and are free to develop their presentations as they see fit.  The following file types may be uploaded:

    • The preferred presentation type is .pptx or .ppsx
    • Only presentation files in PowerPoint or PDF format should be used-zipped files are not accepted.
    • MAC Users: For best results, save your Powerpoint presentation as a .pptx file.
    • If your PowerPoint presentation has EMBEDDED audio or video files with .avi, .wmv, .wma, .mov, .mpg, .mpeg, .mp3, or .rm file extensions, you can upload your slides but bring the media files with you to the Speaker Ready Room for the onsite uploading in the event they are needed. However, if you save your file in pptx format, the audio and video files should get embedded automatically and you won't need to upload them separately in the SRR.

    Please limit the size of each file to 70MB or less. Larger presentations can be uploaded onsite in the Speaker Ready Room. Again, the preferred presentation type is .pptx or .ppsx

    Presentation Tips

    • Oral session presenters may visit the speaker ready room in the Boardroom each day to familiarize themselves with the equipment in the room or ask a technician any questions.
    • Be considerate of other speakers and the audience by staying within your allotted time. The individual presentation time includes 5 minutes for discussion and changeover to the next speaker. Session moderators will hold you to the allotted time, which is essential to ensure adequate time for questions and discussion.
    • Please discuss the material as reported in your submitted and approved abstract.
    • Prepare your presentation in advance so that your ideas are logically organized and your points are clear.
    • Take time to rehearse your presentation. If your presentation runs longer than the allotted time, eliminate the least essential material and rehearse again.
    • Give an opening statement to acquaint the audience with the nature and purpose of the study. Speak slowly and clearly. Word choice should be simple: use active words and short sentences.
    • Use the microphone and speak toward the audience. Note: When the microphone is clipped to your lapel, it is difficult for the audience to hear if you turn your head away, so please have copies of your presentation at the podium.