
AGU Science and Society (SY)

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We aim to create a welcoming community at AGU for artists, communicators, policy makers, community members & scientists from all disciplines

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2023 Sy Year in Review

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⇒ I want to submit a session/abstract

Find all proposed 2024 Science and Society sessions here and submit an abstract by 31 July 2024. The abstract deadline has been extended to Monday, 5 August 2024 at 14:00 EDT.

Join us at AGU Fall Meeting for the Science and Society sessions! By each deadline, submit your Science and Society session proposal (usually March/April) or abstract (usually July/August). Contact any of the Track Leads or SY Section Leadership if you have any questions. For inspiration, check out Science and Society sessions from AGU Fall Meeting 20202021, 2022, and 2023.

⇒ I want to be a Science & Society member

  1. Make sure you have a current/renewed AGU membership, otherwise AGU interests (sections) may not show up on your account.
  2. Log into agu.org/account/User/my-profile
  3. Click Interests. (If Interests doesn't appear you may have to click Personal first)
  4. See under Sections. If Science and Society is listed as Primary, then you’re already a member! If not, click the pencil icon (✏️) and add it.
  5. You will also receive the Science & Society email newsletter!

⇒ I want to connect on social media

  1. Follow, tag, and engage with the community on Instagram @AGUSciSociety
  2. Save the Science and Society YouTube playlist and subscribe to the AGU YouTube channel

I want to volunteer

Fill out this form to volunteer or nominate colleagues to become more involved in SY section activities and leadership. Contact anyone on SY Leadership for more information.

I want to share my story

Are you a student or early career member (or know someone who is) working at the interface of science and society? Are you open to sharing your story in a spotlight? Please contact the AGU Science and Society President and President-Elect.

⇒ Check out other action opportunities 

(1) Science to Action is a grassroots effort to connect science and action with communities and decision makers. Under the Science to Action banner, AGU members and others carry out Fall Meeting sessions and network events with our Science and Society section and Thriving Earth Exchange. (2) AGU's Thriving Earth Exchange program connects scientists with communities and awards a Community Science Fellowship for training and project opportunities. (3) AGU offers programs and opportunities to share and advocate for science.

Want to submit an AGU24 abstract related to Science & Society?
Find all SY sessions below

Submit your AGU24 abstract to an SY session!

While December 2024 might feel a long way away, sessions will be announced and abstract submissions are now open. We are excited that there are over 60 Science and Society (SY) led sessions at this year’s AGU24 meeting! Take this time to look through all the sessions proposed by your colleagues in the SY section and work out where you can contribute to the conversation. 

When you're ready, submit your AGU24 abstract by 31 July 2024! The abstract deadline has been extended to Monday, 5 August 2024 at 14:00 EDT!

JEDI: JEDI means justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. We strongly encourage all Science and Society (SY) session conveners to prioritize JEDI in their events during the Annual Meeting. For more information, visit our SY Section JEDI page.

OSPA: If you're a student, then consider the Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) when you submit your abstract. Learn about our SY section's OSPA scoring rubric and guidelines for judges on our Awards page.

More Science & Society (SY) sessions to consider submitting your AGU24 abstract to

SY001 - 21st Century Economics to Mitigate Global Warming and Achieve Climate Justice

SY002 - Acknowledging and Sharing Our Climate Grief

SY003 - Addressing environmental justice with Earth Observations by weaving knowledge and input from diverse users throughout the project design, development, and implementation

SY004 - Advances in Oil and Gas Methane Emissions Reconciliation and Uncertainty Estimation Methods

SY005 - Advances in the practice and theory of climate change adaptation

SY006 - Advancing Impact Assessment of Earth Observation (EO) Information for Decision Making

SY007 - Advancing Socioeconomic Value via NOAA Open Data Dissemination Case Studies

SY008 - Advancing Water Resource Management through Community Collaboration and Co-Design of Data and Tools

SY009 - Amplifying the Message of Scientists through new perspectives on climate visualization

SY010 - A Tale of Many Tails: An Open Discussion on the Use of High-End Sea Level Rise Projections for Adaptation Planning in the United States

SY011 - Bridging the Gap: How Can Scientific Research Catalyze & Inform Real World Change In Industry & Civil Society?

SY012 - Bridging the Science Communication Gap Between Society and Global Planetary Change: Novel Ideas for an Unprecedented Climate Reality

SY013 - Building a Workforce to Address Climate Change

SY014 - Building Community Cooperation in Developing and Sharing Science Applications for National Security, Natural Hazards Preparedness and Response, and Public Safety

SY015 - Building Resilient Communities through Justice, Coalition Building, and Intergenerational Collaboration in Geoscience

SY016 - Celebrating 150 years of international science collaboration: marking the 1874 efforts to observe the Transit of Venus and the development of global science.

SY017 - Data Co-Production at Scale: How Might We Co-Produce Social Indicators with Geo-Statistical Models?

SY018 - Data Visualization as a Communication Tool in the Earth and Space Sciences

SY019 - Science for Climate Empowerment: Multidisciplinary and Co-production Approaches for Climate Justice

SY020 - Doing Science Together: Sharing solution experiences of co-creating Earth and space science with communities

SY021 - Earth Science Data and Information: Meeting users' needs to amplify multidisciplinary science and support actionable information.

SY022 - Enhancing Capacity for Climate Risk Assessment and Catalyzing Partnerships to Inform Decisions in Latin America and the Caribbean (LACI)

SY023 - Enhancing Weather Impact-Based Decision Support Services and Risk Communications with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

SY024 - Exploring Multisectoral Climate Adaptation Strategies to Support Health Equity

SY025 - Extending Science Through Public Participation: Community Science, Citizen Science and a Changing World

SY026 - Facilitating the Sustainability of Water, Food, and Energy Resources through the Application of Earth Observations and Earth System Models

SY027 - Governing Geohazards: Applying Moral, Political and Legal Philosophy to Public Policy on Natural and Environmental Hazards

SY028 - Greenhouse Gas Lifecycle Assessments of Global Natural Gas Supply Chains

SY029 - History and Philosophy of the Geosciences: What's Next?

SY030 - Imagining “What’s Next”: Exploring the Relationships among Imagination, Hope, and Planetary Health

SY031 - Impacts of Mineral Extraction and Artisanal Mining on Societies and Natural Environments

SY032 - Indigenous Science to Action: Transforming Geoscience Through Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Meaningful Engagement with Indigenous Peoples

SY033 - Innovative Applications of Social Sciences to Advance Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

SY034 - Literary Geosciences: Bringing Humanities and Geosciences Together to Facilitate Greater Public Participation

SY035 - Make Climate Adaptation Actionable: Co-Creation and Decision Support in Local Planning and Policy

SY036 - NASA Lifelines Murals Tour: Join NASA Lifelines in exploring how public art is being used as a tool to shed light on the ways satellite data and tools are helping communities become more resilient

SY037 - Navigating Uncertainty: Assessing and Communicating Risk in Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Research, Development, and Deployment

SY038 - Neurodivergent and Queer Experiences in the Science

SY039 - One Health: A Multidisciplinary Framework Advancing Environmental Conditions and Health Outcomes Through Integrating Cross-Cutting Art, Science Communication, and Diverse Voices

SY040 - Open and Transparent Modeling Workflows for Decision Support

SY041 - Orchestrating Information, Communication, and Coordination Flows for Common Action Towards Climate Resilience: A Vision for an Open Knowledge Network, Informed by NASA’s HelioWeb Pilot

SY042 - Providing Accessible and Credible Greenhouse Gas Information from the US Government and Partners to Meet User Needs

SY043 - Regulatory and Voluntary Initiatives for Differentiating Oil and Gas Supply Chain Emissions

SY044 - Reimagining and transforming marine sciences and related professions: The need to build capacity and intention to change systems and professional development

SY045 - Resilience as Macroeconomic Policy: Mobilizing Water Resources to Operationalize Adaptive Development in a Time of Global Change

SY046 - Science and Society: Art and Science - Collaborations Between Artists and Scientists

SY047 - Science and Society: Community and Citizen Science

SY048 - Science and Society: Science Communication Practice, Research, and Reflection in an Era of Change

SY049 - Science and Society: Social and Behavioral Sciences

SY050 - Science and Storytelling: New Horizons and Challenges

SY051 - Science for Policy

SY052 - Sharing Their Science: Enabling Scientists in Public Engagement and Communication Efforts

SY053 - So Much Talking. When Do Scientists Listen?

SY054 - The Complexity of Greenness: Exploring Trade-offs and Synergies in Nature-based Solutions

SY055 - The role of large language models in climate change research

SY056 - Thinking Outside the Box Plot: Communicating Science Beyond the Paper

SY057 - Toward Sustainable Energy Transition Resources:  Integrating Earth Science, AI, and Responsible Policymaking

SY058 - To What Extent Does Climate Change Education and Communication Affect Individual Attitudes and Behavior?

    SY059 - Transboundary Water Governance for Peace, Development, and Security

    SY060 - Whole-of-Society Approaches for Addressing the Climate Crisis at Scale, from National to Local

    SY061 - Out of the Bubble: Encouraging scientists to step outside of their comfort zones, to effectively demonstrate the interconnectivity between solutions-based science and the social responsibility to communicate that science to the public.

    SY062 - Re-imagining Connections of Science and Society: A Meeting of the Metaphors

    Students walking in a grassy field on a sunny day (Photo by Naassom Azevedo)

    Science & Society Tracks

    We have five "tracks" in our section. Please feel free to contact the Track Leads or any SY Section Leadership members for more information. Find contact information on the Leadership webpage.

    SY Exe Comm and AGU staff
    Science and Society Executive Committee & AGU Staff (SY Retreat, March 2022)

    Track Descriptions

    Scientists have a critical role to play in advising policy makers throughout all levels of government. Section members working in this space contribute to specific science-based public policy initiatives and include scientists, policy makers, and science advocates who work at the interface of science and public policy.

    In community science, scientists and communities do science together to advance one or more community priorities. This encourages communities, particularly historically marginalized and oppressed communities, to guide, participate in, learn from, and benefit from science. Citizen Science, similarly, engages the public to collaborate with scientists to assist in research and monitoring, from local to global investigations. Community and citizen science (CCS) can take many forms. Through this track we promote and share innovative and effective practices, and advance scholarship that examines and reflects on CCS approaches.

    Science communication includes the efforts of natural, physical and social scientists, communications professionals, and teams that communicate the process and values of science and scientific findings to non-specialist audiences outside of formal educational settings. The goals of science communication are varied, including enhanced dialogue, understanding, awareness, enthusiasm, improving decision making, or influencing behaviors. Science communication channels include in-person interaction, online, social media, mass media, or other communication methods.
    Scientific and artistic endeavors are both used to explore and understand the world around us. Artistic techniques can help scientists visualize data and communicate results to other scientists as well as non-scientists. Art plays an increasingly important role in science education in both informal and formal environments. The integration of art and science yields interdisciplinary methodologies that enable connections between science and society.

    One of the fundamental motivations of geosciences is to produce knowledge that helps to solve society’s most pressing issues. Social and behavioral sciences can help us understand how people and institutions think, feel, and behave with respect to scientific knowledge. Insights from varied fields (including but not limited to anthropology, economics, history, political science, decision science, psychology, education, and sociology) and from non-academic communities, can help to forge stronger linkages between science and society. This track promotes research and practice from these fields, and aims to serve as a bridge between social sciences and other disciplines in geosciences.

    "There is no planet B" sign at climate rally (Photo by Li-An Lim)

    SY Discussions

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