Scientists have a critical role to play in advising policy makers throughout all levels of government. Section members working in this space contribute to specific science-based public policy initiatives and include scientists, policy makers, and science advocates who work at the interface of science and public policy.
In community science, scientists and communities do science together to advance one or more community priorities. This encourages communities, particularly historically marginalized and oppressed communities, to guide, participate in, learn from, and benefit from science. Citizen Science, similarly, engages the public to collaborate with scientists to assist in research and monitoring, from local to global investigations. Community and citizen science (CCS) can take many forms. Through this track we promote and share innovative and effective practices, and advance scholarship that examines and reflects on CCS approaches.
Science communication includes the efforts of natural, physical and social scientists, communications professionals, and teams that communicate the process and values of science and scientific findings to non-specialist audiences outside of formal educational settings. The goals of science communication are varied, including enhanced dialogue, understanding, awareness, enthusiasm, improving decision making, or influencing behaviors. Science communication channels include in-person interaction, online, social media, mass media, or other communication methods.