SY Section Leadership

Volunteer for SY

Seeking Future Leaders

We are seeking future leaders for our executive committee. If you are interested or have a colleague you want to nominate, please fill out this form. Feel free to contact current SY volunteers listed below to learn more.

SY Leaders Calendar

SY members elect our SY President-elect and SY Secretary every 2 years often in September. The SY President-elect then becomes the SY President (2 years) who in turn becomes the SY Past President (2 years). You may nominate yourself or others for these and our other leadership positions by submitting the form.

  • Monthly: SY Leaders meetings
  • March: SY Leaders Retreat with AGU staff
  • April-May (tentative): SY Leadership turnover period
  • September: President and Secretary elections (every 2 years)
  • December: SY Leaders Lunch at AGU Annual Meeting

SY Section Executive Committee

3rd SY Retreat with SY Executive Committee & AGU Staff (March 2023)

Role Name Contact Term End
Past President Julie Vano jvano[at] Dec 2024
President Kevin Reed kevin.reed[at] Dec 2024
President-elect Kripa Jagannathan kripajagan[at] Dec 2024
Secretary Rosie Oakes rosie.oakes[at] Dec 2024
Student Rep Sara Turner turners425[at] Dec 2023
Student Rep JJ Dong dong2j[at]
Honors Coordinator Maggie Hurwitz margaret.hurwitz[at] Dec 2023
Fall Meeting Planning Committee Lead Holly Mayton hollymayton[at] Dec 2024
Fall Meeting Planning Committee Rep Shenyue Jia jiashenyue[at] Dec 2025
OSPA Coordinator Yolanda Lin ycl[at] Dec 2024
Social Media & Website Co-Coordinator Chris Hyun chrish[at] April 2025
Social Media & Website Co-Coordinator Patrick Clemins patrick.clemins[at] April 2026
Art & Science Track Co-Lead Kathryn Semmens kalese[at] Dec 2023
Art & Science Track Co-Lead Dwight Owens dwowens[at] Jan 2025
Art & Science Track Co-Lead Louise Arnal arnal.louise[at] Dec 2026
Community & Citizen Science Track Co-Lead Todd Harwell taharwell[at] Dec 2024
Community & Citizen Science Track Co-Lead Sahil Bhandari sbhandari[at] Dec 2026
Science Communication Track Co-Lead Stefania Acosta Ramirez stefania-acostaramirez[at] Jan 2024
Science Communication Track Co-Lead Urooj Raja uraja[at] Jan 2025
Science Policy Track Co-Lead Gifford Wong gwong[at] Dec 2023
Science Policy Track Co-Lead K. L. Akerlof kakerlof[at] May 2025
Social & Behavioral Sciences Track Co-Lead Aparna Bamzai-Dodson abamzai[at] Aug 2025
Social & Behavioral Sciences Track Co-Lead Haley Crim haley.crim[at] Jan 2025

Julie Vano
Julie Vano
Past President
Kevin Reed
Kevin Reed
Kripa Jagannathan
Kripa Jagannathan
Rosie Oakes
Rosie Oakes
Sara Turner
Sara Turner
Student Rep
JJ Dong
JJ Dong
Student Rep
Margaret Hurwitz
Maggie Hurwitz
Honors Coordinator
Holly Mayton
Holly Mayton
Fall Meeting Planning Committee Lead
Shenyue Jia
Shenyue Jia
Fall Meeting Planning Committee Rep
Yolanda LinYolanda Lin
OSPA Coordinator
Chris Hyun
Chris Hyun
Social Media & Website Co-Coordinator
Patrick Clemins
Patrick Clemins
Social Media & Website Co-Coordinator
Kathryn Semmens
Kathryn Semmens
Art & Science Track Co-Lead
 Dwight Owens
Dwight Owens
Art & Science Track Co-Lead
Louise Arnal
Louise Arnal
Art & Science Track Co-Lead
Sahil Bhandari 
Community & Citizen Science Track Co-Lead
Todd Harwell
Todd Harwell
Community & Citizen Science Track Co-Lead
Stefania Acosta Ramirez
Stefania Acosta Ramirez
Science Communication Track Co-Lead
Urooj RajaUrooj Raja
Science Communication Track Co-Lead
Gifford Wong
Gifford Wong
Science Policy Track Co-Lead
KL Akerlof
K. L. Akerlof
Science Policy Track Co-Lead
Aparna Bamzai-Dodson
Aparna Bamzai-Dodson
Social & Behavioral Sciences Track Co-Lead
Haley Crimm
Haley Crim
Social & Behavioral Sciences Track Co-Lead

Past SY Executive Committee Members

  • Kristin Timm, Science Communication Track Lead, 2023
  • Julian Reyes, Fall Meeting Planning Committee Rep, 2023
  • Maggie Walser, Past President, 2022
  • Heidi Roop, Secretary, 2022
  • James Neely, Student Rep, 2022
  • Chris Clavin, Honors Coordinator, 2022
  • Kathie Dello, Fall Meeting Planning Committee Lead, 2022

Kristin TimmKristin Timm
Julian ReyesJulian Reyes Maggie Walser
Maggie Walser
Heidi Roop
Heidi Roop
James Neely
James Neely
Chris Clavin
Chris Clavin
Kathie Dello
Kathie Dello

SY Leadership Photo Archive

Finally Together! AGU SY Executive Committee at AGU22

2nd SY Retreat with SY Executive Committee & AGU Staff (March 2022)
First SY Retreat with SY Executive Committee & AGU Staff (March 2021)