
Atmospheric Sciences

About Atmospheric Sciences

The Atmospheric Sciences Section studies the physics, chemistry, and dynamics of the atmosphere, particularly the two layers closest to Earth’s surface, the stratosphere and troposphere. These layers are crucial to life because they regulate the planetary surface temperature, play an integral role in the world’s water cycle, and screen the planet from high-energy radiation.

Learn More about AS

Please support Atmospheric Sciences when you renew your AGU membership.

AGU has implemented an incentive program to increase AGU member donations and at the same time increase AGU's support of the sections. AS supports monetary awards for the AS Early Career Awardees and travel to the AGU Fall meeting for AS students and early career members, especially those from developing countries.


Three AGU Position Statements Open for Community Comment - 30 April Deadline

AGU members have until 30 April to comment on revisions to three AGU position statements addressing climate change, science communication and data, respectively. Position statements are what enable AGU to provide scientific expertise on significant policy issues. 

The three position statements currently open for comments include:

  1. Society Must Address the Growing Climate Crisis Now:  This statement calls for transformative collective actions to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of human-caused climate change. It outlines the challenges posed by the climate crisis, the projections for natural systems and the consequences for humanity. It also emphasizes the need for equitable distribution of accountability and just interventions. Last updated: November 2019.

  2. Science Communication Needs to be Inclusive and Intentional:  This statement emphasizes the role of the scientific community in promoting open and accessible communication, underscoring the significance of inclusive and intentional science communication. It stresses the need for meaningful dialogue, diversity of perspectives and adequate support for science communication efforts. Last updated: September 2019.

  1. Safeguarding Data to Address Global Challenges for Our Future: This statement underscores the critical importance of data accessibility, transparency, and reproducibility in tackling urgent global challenges such as sustainability and climate change. It advocates for equitable access to data, changes in research culture to prioritize data contributions and the adoption of metadata standards. Last updated: November 2019.

We encourage all members to submit comments during this period. Valuable feedback includes substantive corrections, identification of missing issues, suggestions for clarity improvements and areas of potential misunderstanding. Please refer to the instructions that accompany each draft statement for detailed guidelines on providing comments.

Early Career Webinar: How to Conduct a Peer Review 

Peer-review is an important part of the scientific publishing process, but one that does not often come with formal training. Good review practices are essential to a fair process that results in helpful feedback for authors. In this webinar, panelists, including outstanding reviewers and current editors from AGU journals, will answer your questions about the peer-review process and discuss best practices when reviewing scientific papers.

When: Apr 25, 2024 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting: https://agu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIlfu-qrTMvGNTIxZJJia0Ziq-QkXiiHaNm

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

AS Section Award Nominations Open

Nominations for the 2023 AGU Atmospheric Science Section Awards are now open. Please check out the following webinar description about the Awards below:

Please consult our Awards pages above for additional information about individual awards.


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AGU2023 Wrap-Up

The final numbers on AGU23 are in - over 27,000 attendees with 91% in person!  Thanks to all that chaired sessions, reviewed student posters, and participated in section events - we appreciate your support of the atmospheric sciences community.  We look forward to seeing you in 2024 in Washington DC!

AGU Honors 2024 are Open

Nominations for AGU Union level awards and Atmospheric Science section awards are now officially open.  Note that deadlines depend on the award:

  • The deadline to submit nominations for Union Medals, Awards, and Prizes Program is 1 March 2024
  • The deadline to submit nominations for Section Awards, Scholarships and Grants, and the Union Fellows Program is 27 March 2024

If you are interested in learning more about what nomination opportunities are available, you can visit AGU’s Honors Explorer to browse the full catalogue and review submission requirements for each.  

For the Atmospheric Sciences Section, we award six section awards and lectures (27 March deadline):

Additionally, there are several student scholarship opportunities:

Volunteer Opportunities for Atmospheric Sciences

We are looking for volunteers from section members to support several different programs in Atmospheric Sciences, including but not limited to:

  • Fall Meeting Program Committee
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
  • Student Travel Grant reviewers
  • Reviewers for student scholarships 

If you are interested in volunteering, please submit your information on this form.  We appreciate your support!

Early Career Committee Update

The Atmospheric Science Section Early Career Committee is currently planning events throughout 2024 and for the Annual Meeting. Our events focus on career options for atmospheric scientists, professional skill development, DEI discussions, and seminars for early career researchers to present their work. If you have any suggestions for events you would like to see happen either virtually or in-person at the Annual Meeting, please email us at ec.atmossci@gmail.com.

Call for Abstracts for our Early Career Seminar Series

The Early Career Committee is seeking abstracts for the ongoing Atmospheric Sciences Early Career seminar series! This series is an opportunity for graduate students and early-career scientists (<10 years since receiving their highest degree) to showcase their work and to create potential new collaborations and networks. This would be similar to an invited talk that can be added to your CV! Seminars are recorded and put up on the AGU youtube channel and our website. If you are interested or know somebody who is, please fill out this form by Wednesday, February 21 with a title and short abstract for your presentation. 

The committee will be assessing abstract submissions across four categories:

  1. Abstract readability - is it logically organized and easily comprehensible? Are the main ideas and supporting points clear?
  2. Accessibility to a general scientific audience -  does the abstract contain un-explained technical jargon? Is it easily understandable to a scientist from a different discipline?
  3. Societal impact of research topic - does the abstract attempt to make a connection between the work and potential societal impacts? This connection can be broad or specific, depending on the nature of the work.
  4. Science impact of research topic - is a clear connection drawn between the research topic and the impact of the work on the domain-specific field?

In addition, if you would like to be considered for serving as a moderator at a seminar session, you may indicate that in the above form as well (even if you do not wish to submit an abstract).  Please feel free to reach out to the committee by email (ec.atmossci@gmail.com) if you have any questions or comments. 


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Career Listings

World View REM Mailing List

World View, a high altitude stratospheric ballooning company, is building a researchers mailing list so we can communicate with PIs and others interested in announcements relating to vehicle capabilities, research missions, and other pertinent news. If you would like to join this mailing list, fill out the notification of interest form here. Please share this with interested colleagues.


The Atmospheric Sciences Section would like to express its appreciation for the generous support of our sponsors: