Early Career Seminars

Early-Career Science Seminar Series 9: Investigations in Climate Extremes: Impacts and Relationships with Earth’s Ecosystems


  • Bidyut Bikash Gotswami (Institute of Science and Technology Austria) - False alarms of Indian Monsoon Droughts
  • Sanjeevi Navalingam (University of California Irvine) - Heatwaves can induce BVOC emission from conifers and adversely impact urban air quality

Early-Career Science Seminar Series 8: The Sky is Falling


  • Patrick Orenstein (Department of Applied Physics and Applied Math, Columbia University) - Convective Downdrafts: Constraining behavior using satellite data
  • Diya Das (Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University) - Witnessing Rain: From Terrestrial to Celestial Realms

Early-Career Science Seminar Series 7: The Ever-Changing Space of Air Quality


  • Zhao-Cheng Zeng (School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University) - Tracking CO, NH3, and VOCs over Asia from the world's first geostationary hyperspectral infrared sounder
  • Taekyu Joo (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea University) - Aged and obscured wildfire smoke associated with downwind health risks during 2023 Canadian Wildfires in NYC

Early-Career Science Seminar Series 6: New Horizons in Extreme Event Science


  • Samuel Olumide Akande (Centre for Space Research and Applications) - Coastal Vulnerability Assessments and Adaptation to Climate Change and Extreme Events Along the Gulf of Guinea
  • Christian Dominguez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico) - Future Changes in Tropical Cyclone and Easterly Wave Characteristics over Tropical North America

Early-Career Science Seminar Series 5: Igniting Early Career Wildfire Studies


  • Samantha Kramer (Sonoma Technology) - Public Health Impact of Prescribed Fire (PHIRE) Study: Projected Smoke Impacts from Increased Prescribed Fire Activity in California's High Wildfire Risk Landscape
  • Derek Mallia (University of Utah) - Simulating Local and Regional Wildfire Smoke Episodes with a Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Model (WRF-SFIRE)
  • Tianjia (Tina) Liu (Harvard) - Detection of Cascading Delays in the Monsoon Rice-growing Season and Post-monsoon Agricultural Burning in Punjab, India

Early-Career Science Seminar Series 4: Societal Impacts


  • Amy Christiansen (UMKC) - Exploring the Environmental Justice Air Quality Landscape in Kansas City, MO
  • Jawairia Ahmad (Centre for Water Informatics & Technology, LUMS) - Snow Mass Estimation in the Indus Basin
  • Jing Wei (UMD) - Tracking Ambient Particulate and Gaseous Pollution from Space with Advanced AI Models

Careers in Atmospheric Science Part 2: Private Sector

Despite the wide variety of careers occupied by atmospheric scientists, most graduate students and postdocs have limited exposure to career options outside of universities. This webinar is the second in a series of three that will familiarize early career scientists with different career options. This event is a panel discussion with four scientists from the private sector. Panelists are asked previously prepared questions about their day-to-day experiences and responsibilities.

Careers in Atmospheric Science Part 1: Government Labs and Research Centers

Despite the wide variety of careers occupied by atmospheric scientists, most graduate students and postdocs have limited exposure to career options outside of universities. This webinar is the first in a series of three that will familiarize early career scientists with different career options. This event is a panel discussion with four scientists from various US national labs and research centers (e.g., NCAR, NOAA, NASA, DOE) who discuss their work responsibilities and environments within the labs. Panelists are asked previously prepared questions about their day-to-day experiences and responsibilities.

Early-Career Science Seminar Series 3: Cloud Physics and Dynamics


  • Kelsey Malloy (Columbia University, kmm2374@columbia.edu) - Subseasonal Great Plains Rainfall via Remote Extratropical Teleconnections: Regional Application of Theory-guided Causal Networks
  • Michael Diamond (Florida State University) - What can inadvertent and deliberate aerosol perturbations teach us about clouds and Earth's climate?
  • J. Minnie Park (Brookhaven National Lab) - Long-Term Trends in Aerosols, Low clouds, and Large-scale Meteorology over the Western North Atlantic from 2003 to 2020

Early-Career Science Seminar Series 2: Atmospheric Chemistry


  • Alyssa Stansfield (alyssa.stansfield@stonybrook.edu)
  • Benjamin Nault (bnault@aerodyne.com)
  • Arianna Valmassoi (avalmass@uni-bonn.de)
  • Piyush Patel (piyushkumar.n.patel@jpl.nasa.gov)
  • Paul Newman (paul.a.newman@nasa.gov)


  • Minghao Qiu (mhqiu@stanford.edu) - Statistical and Machine Learning Methods for Evaluating Trends in Air Quality Under Changing Meteorological Conditions
  • Daniele Visioni (dv224@cornell.edu) - Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering: Understanding and Reducing Model Uncertainty
  • Michael Cheeseman (cheesemanmj@gmail.com) - Strong Disparities in Air Pollutants across Racial, Ethnic, and Poverty Groups at US Public Schools
  • Ritesh Gautam (rgautam@edf.org)

Early-Career Science Seminar Series 1: Physics and Dynamics

  • Yi Zhang, Earth and Planetary Science & Miller Institute, UC Berkeley: "An Upper Bound for Extreme Temperatures over Midlatitude Land"
  • Emmanuel O. Akinlabi, Dept. of Earth and Environment, Boston University: "The Relevance of Dispersive Fluxes Within and Over Real Urban Canopy: A Large-Eddy Simulation Study"
  • Victoria Schoenwald, University of Miami RSMAS: "Sea Level Rise Acceleration Along the East Coast of North America"

AGU 2023 Annual Meeting Early-Career Committee Town Hall: Successful Proposal Writing for Early-Career Scientists in Atmospheric Sciences

Early-career scientists, including students, postdoctoral researchers, and other scientists at the early stages of their careers as faculty members or professional researchers, comprise a large and important portion of the atmospheric sciences community. Crucial skills for their success are knowledge of the scientific funding process and the ability to write winning proposals, which requires forming productive collaborations and finding support from their colleagues, mentors, institutions, and other means.This 60-minute panel discussion will provide guidance for early-career scientists on these topics. The panel will consist of program managers from various U.S. funding agencies. The panelists will present tips on how early-career researchers can form collaborations and seek support so that they write successful proposals in a time-efficient manner. The audience will be able to ask their own questions to the panel. 


  • Sylvia Edgerton (NSF)
  • Ken Jucks (NASA)
  • Sally McFarlane (DOE)
  • Monika Kopacz (NOAA)