
Jason Morgan Early Career Award

Established in 2009, the Jason Morgan Early Career Award recognizes the outstanding research contributions of the awardee at his or her early career stage. In so doing, the Tectonophysics section acknowledges the exceptional potential of the awardee, and fully supports continued contributions to Tectonophysics.

Morgan Award Recipients

  • Will Steinhardt, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2024

  • Luca Dal Zilio, Nanyang Technological University, 2023 

  • Harriet C.P. Lau, University of California, Berkeley, 2022

  • Juliane Dannberg, University of Florida, Gainesville, 2021

  • Carolyn J. Boulton, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, 2020 

  • Jacqueline Austermann, Columbia University, New York, 2019

  • Ylona van Dinther, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 2018

  • Romain Jolivet, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 2017

  • Whitney Behr, University of Texas, Austin, 2016

  • Lijun Liu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015

  • Patrick Fulton, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2014

  • Ikuko Wada, Tohoku University, 2013

  • Antonio Capitanio Fabio, Monash University, 2012

  • Derek Keir, United Kingdom, 2011

  • John Hernlund, United States of America, 2010

  • Kaj Johnson, United States of America, 2009


To be eligible, candidates must be AGU members with primary affiliation in Tectonophysics section at the time of nomination. No more than six years post-Ph.D. degree (or highest equivalent terminal degree) prior to the nomination deadline. Outstanding and significant early career contributions to tectonophysics through a combination of research, education, and outreach activities. Review AGU Conflict of Interest policy for ineligible nominees.

Parental Leave: If provided by the nominee’s institution and taken by the nominee during this six-year period, can extend the eligibility period.

Nominator Eligibility Requirements

Active AGU membership is required. Review the AGU Conflict of Interest policy for ineligible relationships.

Supporter Eligibility Requirements

Active AGU membership is not required. Review the AGU Conflict of Interest policy for ineligible relationships.

Nominations should be submitted by April 15 through the section awards nomination form on the main AGU website.

Nomination Package Requirements

  • Nomination letter outlining the nominee’s significant contributions
  • Nominee’s curriculum vitae;
  • Nominee’s selected bibliography, which should begin by briefly stating the candidate’s total number and types of publications and specifying the number published in AGU publications; and
  • Up to three (3) additional letters of support – preferably on letterhead; diverse supporters (i.e., individuals who are not currently/recently associated with the nominee’s institution of education or employment) are strongly recommended.

Each nomination document should be no more than two (2) pages in length and the entire nomination package should be merged into one PDF file.

Jason Morgan Early Career Award Committee

  • Yann  Klinger (Chair), Institut de Physique du Globe
  • Magali Billen, UC Davis
  • Glenn Spinelli, New Mexico Tech
  • Rob Govers, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  • Julie Rowland, University of Auckland

Contact Us

Questions? Please contact the Award Committee Chair: Yann Klinger, Institut de Physique du Globe