2001Benoit B. MandelbrotFractals as a Measure of Roughness in Earth Sciences
2002Donald L. TurcotteSelf-Organized Complexity in Geophysics
2003Rafael BrasWonders of Planet Earth: Complexity and Order in Earth Systems
2004John RundleProcess, Pattern, Prediction: Understanding Complexity in Driven Earth Systems
2005Michael GhilThe Earth as a complex system, and a simple way of looking at it
2006Bach L. HuaNonlinear Dynamics of Zonal Jets in Planetary Atmospheres and Oceans
2007Vijay PrasadDimriRole of Fractals in Solid Earth Geophysics
2008Daniel SchertzerPredictability and Uncertainties in Geophysics: from the Butterfly Effect to Ensemble Predictions, Multifractal Predictability and the Anthropocene
2009Surjalal SharmaComplexity of Earth’s Magnetosphere: Coherence in a Multiscale Open System Presented
2010Didier SornetteDragon-Kings, Black-Swans and Prediction
2011Alvaro CorralCriticality and Self-Organization in Atmospheric Processes
2012Eugenia KalnayFighting Chaos: Applications of Breeding
2013Daniel LathropLinear and nonlinear dynamics of liquid planetary cores
2014Demetris KoutsoyiannisRandom musings on stochastics
2015Shaun LovejoyWhy the warming can’t be natural: the nonlinear geophysics of climate closure
2016Vladimir ZakharovAnalytic theory of wind-driven seas (AGU On Demand Video – requires login)
2017Richard KleinErgodicity and Phase Transitions and Their Implications for Earthquake Forecasting
2018Venkat KrishnamurthyPredictability Beyond Weather
2019Ian MainCatastrophic failure of geological materials - how and when?
2020Sandra ChapmanCatastrophic failure of geological materials - how and when?