Juan M. Restrepo
Juan M. Restrepo specializes in non-equilibrium statistical and deterministic dynamics and works on methodologies that incorporate data and physical models as well as artificial intelligence methods for classification and reduction. He has a track record in research in estimation theory and data assimilation as well as sampling in Bayesian problems. Among other projects, he is working on interpretable artificial intelligence methods, high performance ensemble computing, sampling methods. He also works on time dependent probabilistic methods in statistical physics. His applications research spans systems biology, electric grids, ocean transport, climate dynamics, epidemics, coastal resilience, oil spills and nearshore processes. He holds a Joint Faculty appointment in the Mathematics Department at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and an adjunct faculty position in the Mathematics Department at Oregon State University. Prior to ORNL he was a faculty member at Oregon State University, and at the University of Arizona.