Fall Meeting Planning

Section Leadership Page > Resource Guide > AGU Annual Conference Planning

Sections host events during AGU's Annual Conference in order to create meaningful connections with members, as well as conduct routine section-related business.

Section networking events allow attendees to:

  • Connect with key influencers and expand their personal networks
  • Keep up-to-date with latest trends
  • Learn from attendees from different disciplines and backgrounds

Executive Committee Meetings
These 1-hour meetings are held by all sections throughout the week of AGU's Annual Conference and function as an opportunity to discuss initiatives, concerns, budget matters, and other important section matters among your executive committee. Committee meetings are held in private meeting rooms with breakfast/lunch served (depending on the time your meeting is held) and are by invite only.

  • Typically rooms for these meetings only come with power and do not include WIFI, projectors, or other A/V. 
  • AGU Covers your cost for food and beverage (breakfast or lunch) for all your executive committee attendees
  • Meetings are by invitation only and are managed by an RSVP process for those attendees you identify (i.e. secretary, web editor, student representative, FMPC representatives)

Section Gatherings (formerly called Section Business Meetings)
Each section has the option to choose to hold a gathering for the purpose of discussing Section business and/or honoring their Section's award winners. There are two possible formats for this type of event. Sections can choose to host an evening reception or a luncheon. The details for each are below.  

  • Reception: Sections who choose this option will have the opportunity to engage within their Scientific Neighborhood as well as host their traditional business meetings/award presentations in a private meeting room located within their neighborhood. AGU provides a $50 per person subsidy for this event type. 
    • Please note that any audio/visual requirements are not covered by AGU and will be charged to your Section fund. 

  • Luncheon: This option provides Sections with an opportunity to host a traditional sit-down meeting with a plated meal. The price per person for this type of event will vary depending on menu choices. Base ticket prices are set at $15 for student attendees and $45 for regular and early career members. AGU provides a $50 per person subsidy. Costs beyond the $50 will be charged to your section fund. See example below.  
    • E.g., The total cost per person for a plated lunch is $120. Recommended base ticket prices are $15 for student attendees and $45 for regular and early career members. AGU provides $50 per person towards the total cost. $120 (cost of plated lunch) - $50 (AGU subsidy) - $15/$45 (base ticket prices) = the remaining amount to be deducted from your Section fund will be $55 for students and $25 for regular/early career members. 
      • Please note that any audio/visual requirements are not covered by AGU and will also be charged to your Section fund. 

Student/Early Career Events
Each Section can choose to host an early career/student event on their own or an early career/student event held jointly with other sections. All Sections may use their $5K board designated funds (see below) to subsidize the cost of these events. Often Sections will task coordination of these events to the Section's student or early career representatives.

$5K Initiative Board Designated Funds
Every year the AGU Board reimburses up to $5,000 for each Section to use towards student and early career scientist programming. Funds may be used for a variety of projects in support of student and early career activities and may not be carried over to the following year. Some examples of ways your section can use those funds:

  • Support student travel grants
  • Provide complimentary conference registration to your Section Student or Early Career Representative
  • Fund your Section’s Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) prizes
  • Host a student/early career event
  • Fund caregiver grants for your Section members to help defray the costs of child/elder/dependent care at/related to AGU's Annual Conference. 

If you would like to spend your funds in another manner, please contact agu-sectionhelp@agu.org to further discuss your proposal. For more information on how you can use your $5K funds, please click here.

Offsite events 

Sections are not permitted to hold offsite events in conjunction with AGU's Annual Conference. AGU funding (Section/Board Funds/Sponsor) cannot be used to support these activities. 

For more information on planning an event for your section reach out to agu-SectionHelp@agu.org.

AGU Annual Conference Neighborhoods
Study of Earth’s Deep Interior (SEDI)
Mineral and Rock Physics (MRP)
Volcanology, Geochemistry, and Petrology (VGP)
Tectonophysics (T)
Seismology (S)
Geodesy (G)
Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism, and Electromagnetism (GPE)
Global Environmental Change (GEC)
Cryosphere (C)
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology (PP)
Ocean Sciences (OS)
Hydrology (H)
Earth and Planetary Surface Processes (EPSP)
Biogeosciences (B)
Atmospheric Sciences (AS)
Atmospheric and Space Electricity (ASE)
Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA)
Planetary Sciences (P)
Near Surface Geophysics (NSG)
Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI)
Nonlinear Geophysics (NG)
Natural Hazards (NH)
Education (ED)
Science and Society (SAS)
GeoHealth (GH)