
Executive Committee


Daniel Tong

George Mason University

Email: qtong@gmu.edu

Geohealth means understanding the impacts of Earth System changes, from both natural and anthropogenic causes, on human and ecosystem health.




Kai Chen

Yale University

Email: kai.chen@yale.edu

GeoHealth means bridging Earth and health sciences to understand and address the compounding challenges of climate change, environmental hazards, and socioeconomic vulnerabilities that impact public health.



Past President

Susan Annenberg - SecretarySusan Anenberg

George Washington University

Email: sanenberg@email.gwu.edu

GeoHealth means integrating Earth and health sciences to investigate connections between the natural world, human activities, and public health.




Morgan Gorris

Los Alamos National Laboratory



Awards Committee


Meredith Franklin

University of Toronto

Email: meredith.franklin@utoronto.ca


Helena Chapman

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Email: helena.chapman@nasa.gov


Karin Ardon-Dryer

Texas Tech University

Email: Karin.Ardon-Dryer@ttu.edu


Sadie Ryan

University of Florida

Email: sjryan@ufl.edu

Communications and Outreach Committee


Minghao Qiu

Stony Brook University

Email: minghao.qiu@stonybrook.edu


Mitra Kashani

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Email: qng4@cdc.gov


Yunyao Li

University of Texas, Arlington

Email: yunyao.li@uta.edu

Early Career Researcher Committee


Yun Hang

University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Email: yun.hang@uth.tmc.edu


Yiqun Ma

University of California San Diego

Email: yiqunma@ucsd.edu

Meetings Committee


Azar Abadi

The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Email: aabadi@uab.edu


Amanda Hoffman-Hall

Eckerd college

Email: hoffmanhalla@eckerd.edu


Moiz Usmani

University of Florida

Email: moiz.usmani@ufl.edu

Policy Committee


Jenny Bratburd

University of Wisconsin–Madison

Email: bratburd@wisc.edu


Gaige Kerr

George Washington University

Email: gaigekerr@email.gwu.edu


Kishla Askins

Polar Pangea

Email: Kishla.Askins@PolarPangea.com

Diversity Committee

Sujan Parajuli 

Ocean Associates Inc, Contractor to NOAA NMFS

Email: sujan.parajuli@noaa.gov

Working Group Committee

Jennifer Stowell

Boston University

Email: stowellj@bu.edu

Fall Meeting Planning Committee

Amanda Hoffman-Hall

Eckerd college

Email: hoffmanhalla@eckerd.edu


Moiz Usmani

University of Florida

Email: moiz.usmani@ufl.edu

Editor in Chief, GeoHealth Journal

Helen Nguyen

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Email: thn@illinois.edu


Pin Wang

University of Maryland, College Park

Email: pinwang@umd.edu


AGU Section Support

Mark Shimamoto

Global Outreach Programs at American Geophysical Union

Email: mshimamoto@agu.org


Joshua McKee

Section Support Coordinator at American Geophysical Union

Email: agu-sectionhelp@agu.org


Learn more about AGU Sections here.