2024-2025: Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism and Electromagnetism: Alan G. Jones

Alan G. Jones
ManoTick GeoSolutions Ltd.


Alan G. Jones obtained a B.Sc. in Hons. Physics (Univ. Nottingham, 1972), an M.Sc. in Applied Geophysics (Univ. Birmingham, 1973), and a Ph.D. in Geophysics (Univ. Edinburgh, 1977). Alan then undertook PostDoctoral Fellowships at the Univ. Münster (1977 – mid 1981), the Swedish Geological Survey (late-1981), and Univ. Toronto (1982-1983), after which he joined the Geological Survey of Canada (Ottawa) from 1984 to 2003. He subsequently accepted an offer to become the Senior Professor and Head of Geophysics at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Sciences (Ireland) from 2004 to January, 2015. During that time he grew the Geophysics Section from 7 to 35 staff and students, undertook the largest academic magnetotelluric experiment conducted to date (SAMTEX), and initiated broad-based geothermal research in Ireland with IRETHERM.

Retiring from formal academia in January, 2015, he still continues to collaborate with academic colleagues worldwide on a variety of problems. He also formed a consulting company to offer his expertise to industry, and is a Professional Geoscientist accredited by Professional Geoscientists of Ontario.

Alan has been awarded academic distinction in Canada (J. Tuzo Wilson medal, Canadian Geophysical Union, 2006), in the USA (Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2019), in Ireland (Member, Royal Irish Academy, 2010), in Europe (Member, Academia Europaea, 2010), in China (International Member, Geo-Electromagnetism Committee, Chinese Geophysical Society, 2009), and in South Africa (Life Affiliate member, Geological Society of South Africa, 2016).

He is a member in good standing of numerous academic and industry societies, including AGU, CGU, SEG, KEGS, BAGS, and SAGA. Alan is the most published (>200 papers) and most cited (over 19,000 citations) scientist in his chosen field of natural-source electromagnetics (magnetotellurics).

Most recently, Alan has assembled the broad issues related to our necessary migration from fossil fuels to renewables for energy production and transportation.

Abstract: Mining for Net Zero: The Impossible Task

If current predictions of anthropogenically induced climate change are accurate, and they are becoming more robust and prescient with time, the world must transition away from fossil fuels and embrace transportation, energy generation, and energy storage from renewables so that future generations are not in peril. More than 190 countries have each signed the Paris Agreement, which has as its goal a reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions to limit the global temperature increase in this century to 2°C while pursuing efforts to limit the increase even further to 1.5°C. Additionally, more than 70 countries, including the biggest polluters, have set a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions target, which covers about 76% of global emissions — a commendable and laudable goal. However, a number of fundamental challenges make achieving this goal difficult, perhaps impossible. One such challenge is the lack of a broad appreciation that there needs to be much more mining of metals and minerals, in excess of already mining more than at any other time in prior human history. For example, one estimate is that there needs to be as much copper mined over the next 20–25 years as has been mined to date. Many countries have become aware of the need for access to “critical minerals” for futureproofing, but they appear to be unaware of the fundamental issues that will hamper that access. This is a fast-moving issue. Some of the specific details discussed will become less relevant, and new ones will appear. However, the core issues raised, of the need for a more positive public perception of mining, of the need for more mining, and of the need for far more skilled talent, will not change.