Support NH

Please support Natural Hazards when you renew your AGU membership.

AGU has implemented an incentive program to increase AGU member donations and at the same time increase AGU's support of the sections. Natural Hazards supports monetary awards for the NH Early Career Awardees and travel to the AGU Fall meeting for NH students and early career members, especially those from developing countries.

Here is how it works. AGU will reimburse our Section as follows:

  • If 5% of our primary affiliated members donate, AGU contributes $1000 to the NH Section.
  • If 7% of our primary affiliated members donate, AGU contributes $2000 to the NH Section.
  • If 10% of our primary affiliated members donate, AGU contributes $3000, and so on.

Only member contributions of $50 or greater (to any AGU fund) will help us achieve our goal.

We encourage you to consider donating $50+ to help us to achieve at least a 5% participation rate! All donations are tax deductible.

Of course, we know everyone has different personal circumstances and priorities, and those are respected. We thank you for your continued support of NH whether it is by financial donation or by donating your time and enthusiasm to support NH activities, or both. We greatly appreciate our volunteers!