Physical Properties of Earth Materials (PPEM)

About PPEM Steering Committee

The PPEM Steering Committee serves this community by bringing together scientists who develop and explore applications of rock mechanics and materials science approaches to geophysical problems, promoting the Gordon Conference on Rock Deformation, and encouraging the organization of symposia and workshops within and outside the AGU. PPEM also sponsors an annual dinner at the Fall AGU meeting and issues an annual Newsletter, while it promotes participation in the greater MRP Community and outreach to the rock mechanics and materials science communities outside of AGU.

The PPEM Steering Committee reports to MRP Committee of AGU, and furthers the goals of MRP of scientific advancement and innovation in fundamental studies of Earth materials, exchange of ideas across disciplines, and applications of Earth materials studies to plate dynamics, fault mechanics, development of geologic structures, and the physics of the deep Earth’s interior.

2024-2025 Steering Committee

Name Affiliation Office E-mail Term*
Andrew Cross
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Chair 2024-2026
Hiroki Sone University of Wisconsin Membership and Correspondence 2022-2024
Josie Nevitt USGS Newsletter 2022-2024
David Wallis Cambridge University Webmaster 2024-2026
Jessica McBeth
University of Oslo Early Career Representative 2023-2025
Keishi Okazaki Hiroshima University  International Representative 2023-2025
Andy Rathbun Chevron Corporation Industry Rep, Fine Dining 2017-2020
Nick Beeler USGS Treasurer In perpetuum

*Terms start in the fall, with the change-over occurring by December at the AGU meeting.