Fall Meeting prep: Mastering the virtual presentation & making the most of an e-lightning poster

In this webinar, we covered two (related) topics: virtual presentations & e-lightning posters.

Virtual presentations:

 Virtual presentations at scientific conferences are becoming increasingly common. However, we as scientists are usually not trained in how to effectively utilize technology to not only make sure our message comes across, but also that our audience is engaged. In this webinar we covered the tech and message sides of the virtual presentation.


E-lightning posters:

 The average scientific talk is anywhere between 10-15 minutes. That should be plenty of time to get your message across but even that amount of time sometimes feels incredibly short. So how the heck do you explain your science in 3 MINUTES?! Don't worry! In this webinar, we provided tips and tools to help you effectively share you science at lightning speed.

If you missed the webinar and want to see it in full, you can find it below.
Maybe you're super crunched for time and only want the take-home messages. Well, find them below with animations from our own Olivia V Ambrogio!
And finally, check out our wrap-up infographic!