
Planetary Sciences

AGU's Planetary Sciences Section encompasses basic research into the nature of planets and how they work, as well as the planning and implementation of space missions for exploration and discovery. Members of the Section are interested in understanding both the current properties of the known planets and the formation and evolution of each planetary body and its environment from the core through the magnetosphere. Small bodies, that is, rings, satellites, comets, asteroids and Kuiper Belt Objects are also within our purview. The area of Astrobiology seeks to understand the conditions and environments that might have been conducive to the origin and evolution of life, and to the formation, detection and characterization of extra-solar planets


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Dear Colleagues,

"Our world is stronger when we embrace, rather than reject, our diversity, and it is imperative that we continually strive towards a community of inclusion and equity. Our society could be, and *should* be, more reflective of the threads that make up the fabric of the global community, and we must continue working to ensure that opportunity and success are fairly achievable by all.

We recoil at the painful inequalities on display over the past several weeks in the United States, and similar expressions of hatred and abuse elsewhere in the world. We must reject any notion that they reflect the ideals to which we endeavor. It is evident that people in our community are hurting, including those close to us, personally and professionally. As leaders of the AGU Planetary Sciences section, we commit ourselves to the purpose of actively leading not just our sliver of the global science community, but all who seek to attain a culture of fairness and equity. We will listen, learn, and be active allies in the fight against the pernicious effects of both explicit and implicit bias in science and society. We endorse the statement by AGU leadership recognizing the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion as it leads all our actions, and will strive to achieve the ideals it espouses."

Rosaly Lopes, President
Michael Mischna, President-Elect
David Williams, Secretary
Samuel Birch, Early-Career Representative
Ashley Schoenfeld, Student Representative
Sarah Stewart, Past President

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