
Fellows 2007


  • Richard A. Feely. Nominated for "His groundbreaking research and scientific leadership to quantify oceanic uptake of anthropogenic CO2 and the effect of ocean acidification".
  • Mary W. Silver. Nominated for "Outstanding scientific leadership in biological oceanography, including research on marine snow, plankton ecology, and harmful algal blooms."
  • Peter Schlosser. Nominated for "His important scientific accomplishments in the fields of ocean sciences (modern oceanography and paleo-climate), as well as his significant services to national and international scientific communities."
  • Mark H. Thiemens. Nominated for "His discovery of mass independent isotope effects and his utilization of these isotopic signatures to understand cosmochemical, biogeochemical, climatic and chemical physics systems."
  • Thomas F. Pedersen. Nominated for "His insightful studies of marine sediments to understand how oceanographic conditions affect, and are affected by, changes in Earth's climate."
  • Rolf H. Kaese. Nominated for "Outstanding contributions to the understanding of many oceanic processes through skillful applications of theory, observation and numerical modeling."
  • Jorg Imberger. Nominated for "Outstanding and Long Lasting Contributions to environmental fluid dynamics (physical limnology, ocean sciences, hydrology, and water resources management)."